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1 review
0 helpful votes

Lots of bugs in the applications not recommended
June 26, 2021

I did not expect that appscrip will force me to write this review again. I always tried to maintain a good relationship with appscrip to complete my project. But unfortunately, they failed to deliver the complete project due to poor project management and Lots of bugs in the system.

CEO of Appscrip Rahul Sharma and his team agreed to complete my project in 45 days and now it's been almost 7 months and still my application is not ready to market. I do understand their developers are fixing the bugs but almost 7 months and still they failed to complete the happy path(Basic customer flow).

When I research about the Appscrip I found lots of negative reviews and few good reviews on google. I trusted those good reviews and offered my project to them. Maybe you can check on google using these keywords such as APPSCRIP REVIEWS, APPSCRIP SCAM. I would like to share my experience on below topics as short as possible.

Early-Stage Communication

It all stated well with appscrip's sales team. I was extremely happy with the way sales team handle our requests and proceed the project further. They were almost on time on all the meetings and most of the time they were flexible with our schedules. This kind of behaviour gave us huge trust on their company. But unfortunately, it didn't last for long! After we pay the initial payment (50%) things started to go wrong directions. We noticed their responses were not on time, especially when they missed the deadline lots of excuses such as CEO is on holiday, developers are sick and family emergency. When a developer on holiday or out of work we need to wait until he returns to work. There are no replacement resources in their company.

False Commitments

Appscrip has been provided me lots of false commitments on the project completion dates. Initially they committed to complete the project in 45 days and now they are requesting 8 months to complete the project. (25/10/2020 - June 2021)
5 false commitments
June 2021
After all these false deadlines I was extremely fed-up with their false commitments and I requested the refund. However, they said their team has been spent lots of time into this project and requested another 2 weeks to complete the project. I thought let's give them a final chance to complete the project but today 12/05/2021 and our project is not ready.

Poor project management and no professionalism

Appscrip doesn't provide any project updates until you contact them, there are many times I need to do multiple follow ups in Skype, email, and WhatsApp for same the issue. Sometimes If they don't have any answer, they don't bother to respond to you. I lost lots of my personal appointments due their bad project management.
However, after multiple discussions with Appscrip, they appointed a new project coordinator and his communication and project updates were excellent.

Lots of bugs, bugs, bugs... and bugs.

Me and my team was extremely exhausted with their application bugs. I don't understand their developers are well experienced or have enough time to work in our project. The reason behind is they started to fix the bugs since January 2021 and still fixing the basic customer flow.

No transparent in the third-party Costs

I initially agree to buy their delivery system, but apscrip said they are going to upgrade to a new delivery system, and they demonstrated to me. I agreed to go with the new system after confirming all the functions. Before I sign the contract, they mentioned, for the decent performance sever cost will be around $150-$200, But I found my second bill bill was around $1055. I was really shocked, and I contact them, and they said for the new system estimated sever cost will be around $350-$400. Also, they mentioned for a better performance server cost can be increased up to $1700. My product is not live, but still, I am paying for the sever cost for nothing. Please find my recent AWS bills below.
December: $237.61
January: $1055. 37
February: $337.80
March: $355.7
April: $357.40
May: $368.40
June: $367.56
Mongo Db: $307

Total: $3419. 23


Based on my experience I strongly NOT RECOMMEND APPSCRIP to anyone who is passionate about to start a new business or entrepreneurial life. Most of us chose pre build scripts to reach to the market quick as possible at lower initial cost. If you choose Appscrip for your project, definitely you will fail on those two factors.

Lots of companies suggested NOT to choose pre build scripts due to above factors. Also, they requested around 3-4 months to build the app from the scratch in cross platform. I trusted Appscrip and I refused other companies, but at the end I learnt a good lesson from appscrip.

Thank you for your time and good luck with your new project.

Date of experience: June 26, 2021