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1 review
3 helpful votes

I will say I agree a 100% I'll shopped around for a year before I chose Huda bathroom I did so much
June 11, 2021

So as I put in the title for a year I research this I finally chose Ashton Drake I called them 1st and I asked a 100 questions every detail I could think of about the dolls do they look exactly like the picture on the Web page do they feel like a real baby what's the difference between vinyl and silicone what kind of care is need Ed for each one like silicone you gotta powder it with baby powder once a week or a sticky none of them can be put in the water the bodies are cloth but weighted down so they feel real but summer real silicone all the way like I asked every question possible that I could ask And that gave me all the questions that all the answers. I wanted to hear well the baby came I paid 2 Day shipping that was like 50 bucks almost how they gonna hand make it in 2 days I never thought about that well the baby came and I opened it and oh my God I wanted to jump out of my skin at 1st I was like OK it doesn't look like the other one but whatever it's close enough no paperwork at all like they say. Then when I picked her up, I hit the ceiling. Her arms were detached they weren't even put on her, Whoever put the dog together just threw the arms into the cloth didn't sell them nothing like it was insane the dress also wouldn't even fit her because of her head Not being attached right. She had little pinholes all around the crotch area. She was hard, I was told their vinyl was squeezible huggable soft. This poor doll was worse than any doll I've ever seen wish dolls or even better than this one I'm talking wish OK where the Chinese people send you a Dag on dollar doll for a $180 OK they ripped me also bad then you can't get a hold of oh but wait don't tempt me I will find a way so I contacted the CEO of the company on linked in oh yes I got a phone number and when I called the guy tried to play like oh it was a mistake here let me send you a new 1 that's not gonna be that way we never have problems out of this doll and I was like OK what doll and he named the same doll I had just got I said it really cause that's the damn doll I got Well then hes like we'll send you a different one. I'm thinking, exchange OK fine whatever I'd better get it in 2 days cause that's what I paid for. No he wanted me to purchase another one and then they would Reimburse when they received the original doll in 8 to 10 weeks. I Said email me a label for Two day shipping. Because that's what I paid 50 extra dollars for so I wanted the new one back and no he sends me a Post Office regular mail label that will take weeks so I tried to pay extra when I took package to mail it and they wouldn't let me because the label was only approved for the 8th 10 weeks so let me tell you what I shut my credit card off because I'll be damned if I take another penny for me this place is a rip off do not listen to the videos do not listen to the videos do not listen to anything anyone says they are correct I will post pictures of the doll they show the picture of on the website which is obviously photoshopped like crazy And then I'll show you the doll we received do not if you do you've been Warned so it'll be your own fault they are crap nobody is legit when it comes to these dolls find a private person in your area who makes them or order the parts and do-it-yourself if you're doing a silicone you need heat treated paint for silicone and you need a heat dryer thinking if you're doing acrylic it's way harder on vinyl you have to do like an extra coat 1st and all this do your research on Google and make it yourself it's not hard watch the videos you can learn that even sell books teaching you

Date of experience: June 11, 2021