My BarclaysUS relationship has been mutually beneficial for several years now via JetBlue Consumer Credit Card. In my 32 years of life I have been very conscientious on how I use my credit and have earned an excellent credit score of over 800, something not many my age achieve.
Unfortunately when I needed Barclay to step up in by behalf, they completely failed me and I find it offensive and frustrating.
On February 27,2023 we attempted to purchase 4 Adult Airline tickets from a Travel Business, Hopper. The flight is an international flight going from Barcelona to Vienna, traveling May, 2023. After entering Submit Order we received a Hopper Error Message that instructed us to Try Again. We reentered the exact same information and Submitted the Order only to again receive the Hopper Error Message that instructed us to Try Again. We decided to go on their website to see if there were other instructions, which we found the exact same instructions that said if you receive an Error Message - Try Again. Not to worry, we would not be charged for the transaction in there was an Error, sometimes the system needed to update availability etc.,
We re-entered the exact same information a third time and hit Submit and this time we received a text from Barclay Fraud alert asking if we were making this purchase, we submitted Y and the order was successful, giving us a confirmation number. Thirty minutes later we received a Hopper email confirmation of the transaction confirming we had 4 Airline Tickets, for 4 Passengers on the WizzAir Flight we had selected.
The next day we find Hopper has sent us two more Email confirmations for the same reservation. One was sent 3 hours after the initial confirmation, the other was sent 9 hours after the initial confirmation. We were concerned so we reviewed our Barclay Card and found three charges for three reservations.
We contacted Hopper immediately, which is all Bots and FAQ's. We paid for Live Customer Service who told us the Airline Tickets were non refundable so they couldn't help; they completely ignored the fact that the Hopper Error Message showed the transactions had failed and instructed us to Try Again. We did not ask for, need or want 12 Airline Tickets for 4 People.
We then contacted Barclay Dispute Department, they took the information and we received two letters that the disputes were rejected because Hopper Terms of Use state they are not responsible for Airline delays, cancellations or overbooked flights. Hopper is not responsible for issues outside their control.
We understand the Terms of Use and none of this has anything to do with what happened to us. Hopper's Error Message instructed us to Try Again because the first two attempts to purchase 4 Airline tickets, Failed. Hopper controls what they instruct their customers to do when they receive an Error Message, not their Travel Partners.
Barclays had a Manager contact us at our request and the Manager was so detached from her job, she was monotone, replied with FAQ's that did not apply, told us we needed documented proof that we didn't make the purchases for 8 extra seats or there was nothing they could do.
02/28/2023 $310.60
02/27/2023 $302.31
02/27/2023 $301.71
From: Hopper <*******> Date: February 26,2023 at 6:35:33 PM EST To: Yaditsy... Subject: Your Hopper receipt and itinerary: X-FRLUQ9HTUI
Then two additional email confirmations were received; below show the days and times of those confirmations. These obviously are for the failed transactions when your Hopper Error Message instructed us to Try Again.
From: Hopper <*******> Date: February 26,2023 at 9:41:33 PM EST To: Yaditsy... Subject: Your Hopper receipt and itinerary: X-FRLUYUXT8K
From: Hopper <*******> Date: February 28,2023 at 4:49:31 AM EST To: Yaditsy... Subject: Your Hopper receipt and itinerary: X-FRLV6IQN4W Hopper needs to refund us $637.91.
We contacted CS on Barclays FB and were told they would be happy to document our Feedback. When asked who we could contact beyond a Dispute Manager, this is their reply:
Hi, xxxx Thank you for your feedback. We understand your frustration, and we apologize if we fell short of providing you anything less than excellent customer service. We would like to schedule a manager from our disputes department to call you back within the next 10 to 15 business days. Would you please provide us the phone number associated with your account? Thank you, Saul
A Manager from disputes (which we already spoke with) can call in 10-15 business days?
Is that what excellent Customer Service looks like to Barclay? That is unacceptable, who does business with a Bank that needs 10-15 days to contact you about your concerns? Won't be me, going forward.
There will be updates on when and how Barclays handles this issue until it is resolved. Come back for regular updates. My review of Hopper is also being updated on a regular basis as I continue to seek getting the $637 refund for the 8 extra seats charged to me. The Hopper review contains Barclays refusal to make Hopper accountable for their content and that review has 8000 views from potential customers for both Hopper and Barclay.
5/11/23 Barclays has never reached out to us about the disputed charges, no interest in finding out what they can do to help us recover the $637 that was taken from our account.
Specifically what bothers me is I work in online retail Customer Service and we have a few shady customers who will make a purchase, receive the products, reorder a few times, then all of a sudden they dispute the charges saying they don't recognize the charge. No proof needed, simply oh, I don't remember that purchase and we get a chargeback, show all the proof of purchase/delivery, history, communication w/client and we lose. Honest, nothing suspicious, just a small business honest products. We find all day long, institutions back their customers 100%... NOT Barclay - Nope, the burden of proof is on the customer.
5/15/23 Hopper has acknowledged their site was responsible for the Error and have agreed to refund the $637 that was charged to our Card in Error. Now it's a matter of actually receiving the refund from Hopper. Once I have that, I plan to send the entire issue to Barclay to see if they have anything like regret that they didn't believe their customer. I can't imagine they will care but I still think they need to see that they failed to look into the case on behalf of their Customer and they failed to act appropriately to their Customers requests.
The dispute process relies on a Barclay Agent to understand a Companies Terms of Use and the actual Consumer/Customer issue. My dispute is for the two additional charges for the same itinerary, same travelers, same dates, same locations, same Airline. We did not "overbook" that's when an Airline sells more seats on a flight than they have available. The issue is Hoppers Shopping Cart triggered an Error Message that instructed us to attempt the Purchase again, twice.
Purchase of 4 Airline Tickets on Hopper App to be used in May 2023.