10 reviews for BBC.co.uk are not recommended
These reviews are not recommended because our content quality algorithms have determined them to be less useful for users researching this business. Our content quality algorithm makes decisions based on a number of proprietary evaluation factors, and is constantly updating and improving over time. Even though these reviews are not displayed by default, they still factor into the overall number of reviews and the average rating for the business.
29 reviews
9 helpful votes

Many lies
June 8, 2023

Many lies...

Date of experience: June 8, 2023
1 review
1 helpful vote

Over 75's Free TV Licences Stolen by Greedy and Immoral BBC In Partnership With Boris Johnson
July 18, 2020

The BBC is a disgusting, immoral organisation that is ripping off over 75's by stealing their free tv licences. The BBC agreed a financial settlement with the Tory Government in 2015 in which they would be allowed to raise the cost of the tv licence each year in return for maintaining free tv licences for over 75's. The BBC has reneged on this deal by scrapping over 75's free tv licences yet it is still raising the cost of the tv licence each year. Boris Johnson is a total disgrace as he promised during his election campaign to keep free tv licences for over 75's yet since his election victory, his silence on this issue has been clear for all to see.

Boris Johnson needs to grow a spine and emerge from under the rock where he is hiding and do the honourable thing and reinstate free tv licences for over 75's as the UK is a rich country that can easily afford this small concession to pensioners and war veterans who have given a lifetime of service to this country. Welfare policy such as who should receive a free TV licence is the responsibility of elected government's (ie The Department of Works and Pensions in UK government) and not an unelected quango such as the BBC. The decision to scrap free tv licences for over 75's sits squarely in Boris Johnson's in tray as he is PM and head of all government departments including the Department of Works and Pensions. The 'buck stops with Boris Johnson'! Every group in society, apart from pensioners, have been given a financial bailout during the Covid-19 pandemic. Yet it is the over 75's who are most seriously affected by this disease and who have suffered the most, yet Johnson's government has given them zero financial help. Immigrants that flock to the UK illegally are treated far better than over 75's who have paid a lifetime of taxes in the UK and immigrants are given more state handouts and freebies, at the taxpayers expense, than most of us could ever imagine. This government needs to wake up and stop treating the over 75's like dirt and maintain their well deserved free tv licence.

The corrupt BBC is squandering £12million of licence payers money on settling the tax bills of some of its tax dodging autocue readers and £100million on diversity and over £80million wasted on a new 'Eastenders' set. Its waste is obscene. It is preying on and bullying the over 75's who are some of the most vulnerable in society to pay for this waste and maintain all the BBC non entities on lavish salaries and gold plated pensions. Such is the waste at the BBC that it employs 10 people for each job.

I strongly urge all over 75's to not pay their tv licence fee from August 2020. Such a mass civil disobedience campaign will bring this issue to the top of the political agenda and force desperately needed change on the corrupt organisation that is the BBC - Britain's Biggest Con. If all over 75's refuse to pay the tv licence fee, the Courts would be totally unable to cope with prosecutions on this scale and Boris Johnson's hand would be forced and he would have to deal with this issue immediately instead of ignoring it. Pensioner power can end the corrupt tv licence fee. The BBC has got away with fleecing the UK population for far too long. This must end now!


Date of experience: July 18, 2020
New York
4 reviews
15 helpful votes

I love this site one of my favoirates
May 24, 2014

I love this site one of my favoirates. Heart you bbc

Date of experience: May 24, 2014
6 reviews
18 helpful votes

Great website
March 11, 2014

Great website. Love iPlayer and the ability to watch online anytime.

Date of experience: March 11, 2014
3 reviews
5 helpful votes

This site is all I need to news of any type
March 29, 2013

This site is all I need to news of any type.

Date of experience: March 29, 2013
5 reviews
8 helpful votes

The BBC website is Safe, and very useful, I highly...
October 1, 2012

The BBC website is Safe, and very useful, I highly recommend.

Date of experience: October 1, 2012
3 reviews
3 helpful votes

Good news content
February 25, 2012

Good news content. Very slick site.

Date of experience: February 25, 2012
10 reviews
8 helpful votes

Best news station in the uk
January 9, 2012

Best news station in the uk

Date of experience: January 9, 2012
8 reviews
11 helpful votes

September 19, 2011


Date of experience: September 19, 2011
3 reviews
2 helpful votes

The BBC is the best TV Channel in the UK, by far
May 9, 2011

The BBC is the best TV Channel in the UK, by far. Well done the BBC

Date of experience: May 9, 2011
10 reviews for BBC.co.uk are not recommended