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A Clan Called Judah becomes most noteworthy procuring Nigerian film
January 6, 2024

A Clan Called Judah is set to obscure Hollywood hits like Dark Jaguar in Nigerian theater profit

A Nollywood film has crushed film industry records, turning into the main Nigerian film to procure 1bn naira ($1.1m; £900,000) in homegrown theaters.

A Clan Called Judah accomplished the noteworthy accomplishment in only three weeks.

Its maker - Nigerian entertainer, chief and maker Funke Akindele - has expressed gratitude toward her fans for the achievement.

"Much thanks to you Master! Much thanks to you Nigeria! Much thanks to you Ghana!" she posted on Instagram, gathering large number of congrats.


The record concretes Akindele, 46, as Nollywood's most noteworthy netting chief.

A Clan Called Judah is set to obscure Hollywood hits in Nigerian theater profit, including the acclaimed superhuman film Dark Jaguar: Wakanda Everlastingly, which recently held the record as the top-earning film in the country.

"This accomplishment isn't just about numbers; it's a demonstration of the force of narrating, social pride, and the immovable soul of Nollywood," the film's merchant, FilmOne Diversion, said on Instagram.

It has hailed the film as a "social jewel".

The organization likewise lauded Akindele, saying her obligation to narrating has "scratched a huge section in the dynamic embroidery of Nigerian film".

A Clan Called Judah has gotten rave surveys from the two pundits and fans and is luxuriating in high evaluations on film survey stages.

The film - which depicts a plan to ransack a shopping center by a single parent and her five children engaging monetary difficulty - was enlivened by Akindele's late mother, whom she likewise devoted the film to.

Date of experience: January 5, 2024