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1 review
1 helpful vote

April 28, 2021

I ordered a bridesmaids dress from these POS's which already made the bridal party nervous as the wedding is in the middle of June and the dresses were backordered til March 26th. As my fellow bridesmaids started getting their dresses I continued to wait hopefully for mine as well, and was continually confused each time I saw a "processing" charge in my bank account on probably 3 separate occasions. Each time I was waiting for it to go through as there was plenty of money in the account each time. Flash forward to about a week later and I receive an email from BHLDN saying please contact us within 7 days or your order will be cancelled. Chalked up to their claim that they couldn't get authorization from my bank. An issue I have never experienced with Bank of America ordering from far sketchier websites. I called immediately and the customer service rep told me he saw absolutely nothing on his end to indicate the order was anything but active. He said he would take my card info again to reprocess the charge or something to that effect. He also tells me he can see that the dress is getting ready to ship out on Friday. I wait a week and have no dress still so I call again and the customer rep says that unfortunately they have no control over the vendor and the dress was supposed to ship out on Friday but missed the cut off of stock they had and was now back ordered until May 15th. At this point I am giving up on ever seeing this dress. Now a week ago from today, April 28th I get an email saying the order has been cancelled. I call and the person informs me that they tried to charge the account multiple times, giving me the dates through the past 3 months, and one time it got approved and was ready to ship and then when they went to process the charge again it was declined and then declined another time, which makes little to no sense, I know. I obviously, screamed at the person, not because it was his fault but because I literally have never been so bamboozled by a company and because when i went to just simply reorder the dress on a different card it now has a back order date that it ships out on June 1st. I am $#*!ing pissed and if this company was a person I would deck them. Absolute trash. Never order from these awful, garbage losers.

Tip for consumers:

Don't order from them especially if you have a deadline any where between 6 months and a year. This is way too difficult of a time frame for them to manage!

Products used:

Cali Charmeuse Dress

Date of experience: April 28, 2021