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Saudi Arabia
5 reviews
30 helpful votes

May 6, 2016

So first a year and half ago, I made tom ford shoes purchase, it was delivred to me just fine and fast, few months later I ordered valentino shoes and bottega venta wallet and they were also delivred to me just fine, the delivery was fast and confirmation was fast too! I even began to think that bluefly is actually the best website to order from! I ignored what people said here. I thought they were lying. Anyway so couple months after every time i try to place my order there it just won't! I buy with my VISA Credit Card and one of these times they charged my MasterCard! I thought to myself it was weird that they did! I changedd my MasterCard to a new one, just to be in the safe side, couple weeks ago they had a valentino shoes that compeletly blow my mind I said to myself I must get it so I pulled the trigger I tried to purchase it I couldnt I tried 3 times, and I even called my cozn to order it for me by phone but then THANK GOD I changed my mind last min and I told her don't!
Next day, my VISA Credit Card company because there is about $1000 purchase made in INDIA! What! How! It turned out that bluefly they stole my credit card information and they took the money from my VISA purchase, and everytime I talk to them they dont reply to me they ignore my chat msgs! THEY ARE SCAM FOR REAL NEVER EVER ORDER FROM THEM!

Date of experience: May 3, 2016