4 reviews for BUDK are not recommended
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1 review
0 helpful votes

Buyer Beware (Express Shipping is a Ripoff)
August 15, 2022

Beware the "Express Shipping" for Bud K! Apparently it is their policy, that if you have to send something back for a defect or whatever, They will not refund the money that "the Costumers" spent for Express Shipping the item(s) if you ordered it/them with the "Express Shipping" option. They were apparently going to be kind enough to just refund the "Standard" shipping cost which were $14 but the express shipping costs which were $25 plus was something they typically do not refund. (Apparently I should have been GREATFUL, that they gave me back any of the Shipping costs at all!) And here is the reason I should have been GREATFUL; apparently there is a small section of letters that equate to a sentence that they "do not refund Express Shipping."

Now I would like to give kudos to Ms. Crystal (I actually do not know her married status; so my normal default is putting her down as "Ms." As she seemed to be a nice young lady. If I got this wrong I apologize no offense was intended.), a customer support agent. Because even though I was a Angry with what was going on, she put up with me with good grace. And so I give her thanks for dealing with me even though I was angry. I did my best not to take it out on her and I did thank her for her help while I was on the phone with her. (I realized that the issues I was having were not "her" fault and I let her know that... and that is why I thanked her for her good grace.)

Her boss however was apparently able to instruct Ms. Crystal, to tell me that it is their policy not to refund "Express Shipping." But then 5 minutes later when I wanted to talk to her supervisor; her supervisor had left for the day as well as her supervisors' supervisor. (The time was 2:52 PM EST when she put me on hold so that she could talk to her supervisor. To find out what was going on...)

So after arguing with them, they gave me back the money I had spent on express shipping.

Here's what I believe should have happened to properly resolve this issue.
Option 1. I should have been told that this "Policy of cheating their customers would be looked at and reevaluated." This Didn't happen!

Option 2. They should have at the VERY LEAST given me a higher value coupon to replace the one I had used to buy the item in the 1st place, (but now no longer qualified for.) This Didn't happen!

Option 3. They should have offered me a coupon of the same value as the one I no longer qualified for: when I first bought their defective item... Again This Didn't happen.

Option 4. No, I was not even given a "We are Sorry we tried to cheat you when you weren't looking and it took you catching us and then calling 3 times over 3 different days in order to get back money we had no right to, because we don't actually care about our customers, we just want your money! Which is why we created such a corrupt policy in the first place." You guessed it... No, that didn't happen!

Option 5. I wasn't even given a "we're sorry."

So again Beware Bud Ks' Express Shipping Policy!

Mr. R. Hansen

Tip for consumers:

I used to do a lot of business with Bud Kay. But nowadays apparently some of their policies have become very predatory towards the customer.

So the tip I would tell people is a stay away from their Express shipping. And don't trust them they are apparently completely fine with cheating you out of your money. If you do not check the amount you pay and the amount they return. They will happily keep your money.

Products used:

I used to buy knives and swords from them. Most of the items they sold and shipped are in acceptable or Fair quality. Some of the companies they use are very good quality items, While other companies that they sell from are fair quality and some of the manufacturers used to be good quality and have gotten worse over time. Especially some of the manufacturers that used to be in one location and then moved to a 3rd world country to save money on their manufacturing costs and the quality has dropped significantly.

Date of experience: August 15, 2022
1 review
4 helpful votes

The same product in the mystery box
December 22, 2020

Never again very disappointing!

Date of experience: December 22, 2020
1 review
0 helpful votes

Good quality fast shipping
December 27, 2017

Wish u had monthly subscription box with certain perameters******************+***********************+*****************************************************************

Date of experience: December 26, 2017
1 review
0 helpful votes

Great knives
December 5, 2017

Nice knives to add to my collection the USMC knife is very impressive Atomic Red Triple Knife set is sharp looking

Date of experience: December 4, 2017
4 reviews for BUDK are not recommended