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1 review
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Most awful cruise ever
March 3, 2020

My wife and I went on the Carnival Legend, for the 30th anniversary of Bare necessities nude cruise. The hell we paid to have my certifided medical alert dog go on was just the beginning. After that was taken care of, they placed a hold on myself and my dog until we had given them all paperwork. Then our cabin was in the bow and his 4+4 relief area was in the Stern and two decks down. While onboard witnessed food being prepared without sanitary gloves on while pounding out pizza dough. Three separate occasions. My wife a chef(retired) mentioned it to the supervisor and nothing was ever done. The food was subpar of what you would expect. No soup, or lite options. Also the times when the various venues served were inconvenient. And most of the day the only thing available is pizza. On the fifth day they served a celebration meal at midnight I ate the roasted corn and black bean salad for which I got food poisoning from. I spent my Friday in the cabin running literally to the toilet. I felt a little bit better on Sat morning so told guest services about it they sent me to medical who promptly confined me to my cabin until we docked at Tampa on Sunday morning. I was banned from the dinning room and the coffee shop. Then given broth crackers a banana and tea all wrapped in a red biohazard bag. Plus the ship doesn't sell Pepto or Imodium. Then to add insult to injury they gave me a 22.91 voucher for a future cruise with carnival. Hell as a former United States Navy Petty Officer I've had better meals and time while at war on a nuclear carrier. And carnival could only day I'm sorry. Well sorry doesn't get mey two days back.

Date of experience: March 3, 2020