6 reviews for Catherine's are not recommended
These reviews are not recommended because our content quality algorithms have determined them to be less useful for users researching this business. Our content quality algorithm makes decisions based on a number of proprietary evaluation factors, and is constantly updating and improving over time. Even though these reviews are not displayed by default, they still factor into the overall number of reviews and the average rating for the business.
2 reviews
5 helpful votes

August 13, 2023

On August 7,2023 I placed an order online with Catherine's $280.00 Worth of an order at that. I also had recieved several coupons for 40% and 50% off. When it came time to check out, I could not use either coupon so i called customer service. I was told that I cannot use them because I had an item on back order, I changed item and still was unable to use it. I Was told because I have a third party vendor item in my cart(how does one know that you have a third parry vendor item if you are shopping on catherines website) all these stipulations for a coupon. I just chucked it up as a loss of discount but I needed these items. I received a confirmation order email which said thank you for shopping with us and you will recieve a follow up email once your order has shipped...August 11th I checked my order and no orders found. I called customer service and they stated that my order had been canceled. I was never advised and my Catherines card has a 300.00 balance. Who canceled this order? I asked for a supervisor which was not available. So they transferred me to a specialist named Mike whom kept cutting me off. I asked why it was canceled and he said the only reason an order is canceled is even the customer cancels it or due to non payment. We'll, I didn't cancel it and it was placed on my catherines account so payment was recieved. I cannot replace the order because the balance is On my card, I NEVER RECIEVED AN EMAIL TELLING ME THAT MY ORDER WAS CANCELED and you cannot help me in anyway? He said no and it will take 3-5 bus dys for my account to be credited. He nor the other agent offered an apologies for this inconvenience or the bad customer service that I have recieved. I have shoped with them for years.I bought 2 bras for me, 2 for my mother and 2 pair of stockings each, and it was 280.00... 45.00 for one bra! The overall experience with Catherines was UNACCEPTABLE, UNPROFESSIONAL And this experience has left a bad taste in my mouth. I will be closing my account!

Tip for consumers:

Over priced and UNPROFESSIONAL

Products used:

Ordered BRA & Stockings

Date of experience: August 13, 2023
2 reviews
0 helpful votes

Oh Goody! Received a Catherine's Catalog Today! (Sarcasm)
April 25, 2022

Why in the world would FULL BEAUTY BRANDS send me any of their catalogs after the horrible and dishonest way they treated me when I attempted to purchase an item from one of their catalogs (Woman Within) a couple of years back? (Lol... that's really amusing)! The catalog looks well in the bird cage with "bird substance" on it... big grin. A couple of years back when I ordered from their Woman Within catalog, they sent me the wrong item. Instead of the jeans I ordered, they sent me HUGE men's sports pants (which is NOT even featured in a Woman Within catalog, but, instead, apparently... must be from one of their men's catalogs). When I called, they were not very nice and would not own up to their "mistake." (Obviously, when they run out of an item, they just send whatever and expect the recipient to shut up & pay up... the clothing "mafia"... no less). They refused to pay for return postage. If I would have sent it back, I would had had to pay the return postage and they would have most likely charged a restocking fee (even though the item was NOT even remotely what I had ordered)! I ended up and just paid the bill and actually donated the sports pants to a CHARITY (because I'm awesome that way... hahaha) just so I did not have to deal with FULL BEAUTY/WOMAN WITHIN anymore. Six months later (SURPRISE! SURPRISE!) I get a collections agency notice stating that I did not pay that bill when, in fact, I did PAY that bill. I contacted the collection agency directly in writing (special delivery) and also provided proof that the bill had been paid (yes! I keep excellent bookkeeping records) along with a desist letter. I also informed Full Beauty headquarters (special delivery) through the mail with a nice little explanatory letter (along with proof of payment of the bill). I also contacted all the credit bureaus. It seems to me that this company is very vindictive. I stood up for myself on the phone when I first called them to report that they sent me the wrong item. The Rep clearly did not appreciate being told that the company should CORRECT their mistake... & that they should NOT expect the customer to just blindly accept their total incompetence. I did not scream or yell or name call; however, I was very much to the point after the Rep refused to assist me as a customer in any way. I am guessing that this just didn't sit well... so hence, harassment through the mail six months later in the form of a collections agency letter that I did not deserve as the bill was paid in full even though the item was clearly NOT what I ordered. I just wanted to get rid of them (and here they are again shoving a catalog at me through the mail... lol)! So be warned! If one chooses to interact with FULL BEAUTY or any of its companies (Catherine's, Woman Within, etc), do not plan on a very pleasant experience. Definitely don't plan on receiving anything that even remotely resembles what you ordered. Also, be ready to have to clear up any collections proceedings they initiate (even if you paid the bill in full). It is not a good idea to have dealings with this business or any of its associated companies... less than reputable behavior on their part.

Tip for consumers:

It may be wise to steer clear.

Products used:

Sent me the wrong item. Do not dare ask that they correct the mistake. They will not do so. Asked for return shipping because they sent wrong item. They refused and were rather ugly about it also. I ended up donating the item to charity.

Date of experience: April 25, 2022
1 review
7 helpful votes

Declined since went online
February 24, 2021

Every since Catherine's shut their doors on the brick and mortar stores (mid-2020?), the service online has significantly declined. Additionally, their styles and choices have also declined. I have shopped at Catherine's since Day 1... when they went from P.S. Plus Sizes to Catherine's. I have always felt that their regular prices were too high, so I usually bought everything on sale or clearance... and sometimes got some smokin' deals! I always felt, however, their quality was pretty high compared to other stores at similar prices, so with a little research and patience, I have built up my wardrobe and rarely get rid of anything from Catherine's. Thank God, because I have been extremely disappointed with the "new" styles and choices at their "new" online "home." I am seeing items that I bought ON CLEARANCE (read for pennies on the original price) two years ago being sold at full price as "new" items. NOT! I'm not talking about things like bras and underwear... I mean tops with specific patterns and colors that have not changed at all. And they are advertising them as new items. Disappointing as they had always seemed to come out with some really nice, new designs, colors and patterns which is why I shopped them pretty frequently and even invested in the "perks" card annually. But probably the most disappointing is them joining with other plus size online retailers in a "one stop shop" kind of website. It is difficult to navigate, and IMO, "cheapens" the experience, not enhances it. You have to filter by the brand if you only want to see certain brands (ie. Catherines, Roaman's, etc.), and if you back out of looking at something, you have to reapply the filter again or else you suddenly have 1000 items to look at from every retailer, instead of just the one you wanted to shop. And, as previously noted, it seems that their choices and new styles are very limited compared to when they had their own brick and mortar stores. Sorry Catherines, you lost a life-long customer with this move. I also don't like that I can't ship to the store for free any more... in fact, trying to find free shipping at this site is like finding a polar bear in Hawaii. This move also introduced me to many more online plus sized retailers, which I will have to start taking a chance with since I'm not happy with the Catherine's brand any more. Bbbyyyyy... so sad.

Date of experience: February 24, 2021
1 review
11 helpful votes

Scary, mean customer service associate... scared to come back in the store to shop
July 20, 2020

I had been to Westminster, CO store to purchase 10 pants, and a few dress tops and thought they were drop dead gorgeous, and the manager at that store was very helpful and friendly. Then I came back to the same store a week or so later, and decided to return a few pairs of pants and exchange them for other ones. I came into the store with my mask on, and was told, "You need to back up" in an ugly tone by the cashier with dark hair, whom I was told Miranda, who was a keyholder and cashier. She treated me as a sick person. I was not sick and I was wearing a mask. I backed up as she said, and waited and was not helped. She did not tell me it will be just a moment. She made me stand there for several minutes without saying anything and messing with her paperwork. I asked her if she knew how long the wait would be, and was told, "NO, when I'm ready". As I scooted up some when there was no one in front of me, she said, "YOU NEED to scoot back" again in a yelling tone. I was appalled. I scooted back again for the 2nd time, and she said it again a third time. I know how to social distance and wear a mask as no one was standing in line in front of me and the register had a face guard across the desk. I was treated like a sick criminal person. I told her that she didn't have to be so rude and she said, "If you smart off at me again, I will call the police. I got scared of her and left the store, because she was sturring up so much drama with me for no reason at all. I had never even met her before and I have been a customer with Catherines for a long time. I left the store angry, and then went to the Lakewood, CO store. I bought several pairs of pants there and then told them what happened at the Westminster, CO store, and the lady there called over to that store to get her name, and told Miranda at the Westminster store while I was standing at the register that I was going to report her to corporate, and told her to notate something I did. I didn't do anything to her. She refused to wait on me. I also wanted to buy an extra pair of pants at the Lakewood store, and was told I couldn't do that because she had already closed the register while I was still in the store with no warning. She didn't even ask me if I wanted to buy anything before she closed the register. There is not nearly the selection of clothes to order online and there are more nice looking clothes at the Westminster and Lakewood store. I didn't ever get ahold of the store manager of the Westminster store where the employee made threats at me. It was very irritating. How could you treat someone like they are a criminal or a sick person when all I wanted to was buy some clothes. It's a shame because now I don't have a catherines store to shop at anymore. They used to have a Catherines in Aurora, CO and closed that one down because of leasing issues as I was told. The Westminster store has very nice pretty selection of clothes but are so rude to me. How could they do this to someone? It should not be allowed period. I never have this experience at other stores I shop at. It's ridiculous how they can just discriminate against someone for no reason. I would like to get a hold of a district manager over these stores. I'm scared to shop there anymore because she threatens to call the police on me if I tell her she is being rude. Now I can't shop there even though I love their clothes. I can't get a hold of the store manager over that store. I have no way of knowing when she is working and scared I might get the lady again who threatened to call the police on me because I told her she was being rude. She is a drama queen, and targeted me to pick on when no one else was in the store. I can't believe your company would allow this to happen. That is harassment, and running off business. Your company makes money from people who buy clothes and she should have never refused service to me and threatened me the way that she did. I don't appreciate it, and I plan to take this to corporate.

Date of experience: July 20, 2020
1 review
11 helpful votes

Worst customer service I've ever experienced.
December 22, 2018

I had an issue with Catherine's overcharging me for shipping (I'm in Canada) a couple of years ago. Catherine's customer service refused to back down until I went to the Better Business Bureau, and it was resolved within a day, in my favour. I didn't shop Catherine's again until this past summer, thinking I'd give them another chance. They were having a sale, so I tried to make an online purchase. Every time I tried to place my order, I'd get a message saying it didn't go through and to try again. I did that four times until it worked. Then I received four order verifications from Borderfree (Catherine's partner), though NONE from Catherine's that my orders had gone through. I called Catherine's customer service immediately to make sure that I would receive only 1 order. The rep assured me that I'd receive only one. I received 4. Luckily, I was planning a trip to the states so I was able to return 3 of them easily. Back home, I tried to place an order once more. The order went through smoothly and I thought I'd have no problems this time around. When I received a package from Catherine's, I was shocked to see that I'd received another customer's order. I contacted them through their website (because the international customer service phone number doesn't always work) and explained what happened. I asked if I were going to receive my actual order, how to deal with the order I received. (Canadians don't get the option of being able to return things for free. We have to pay the shipping.) It became a gong show. The rep asked for photos of the items I received, with the tags visible, and the info on the packing slip. I sent them, exactly as asked. The rep said she couldn't open the "attachments". (I send them in the body of the email, and not as attachments.) I tried again. Same result. I tried sending them one at a time. She was able to open each of them, but said that I'd neglected to display the tags in the photos. I sent the identical photos AGAIN, with the tags/numbers circled. (I've included one of the pics I sent to Catherine's, as requested.) She said she couldn't open my "attachments". Not once did she address the issue of if I were going to actually receive the order I paid for (which, btw, was double the amount of the other customer's order) This went on for two days, In the end, the rep told me that my payment would be refunded immediately, I would NOT be receiving my order, and that I should "throw away" the other customer's order. (I donated them to a shelter.) When I received my next credit card statement, not only had I not been reimbursed, I'd also been charged for the other customer's order! I contacted them once again, and was told that my refund would take 6 weeks and they'd remove the other customer's charge. I did receive my refund eventually, but ended up paying the other charge because I just couldn't face dealing with their customer service again. I will never shop Catherine's online, again. I wish I could say I won't shop them ever, but they do sell good quality plus-sized clothing, and that's difficult to come by.

Date of experience: December 22, 2018
1 review
2 helpful votes

Workers was not friendly
March 14, 2016

Perks is a plus

Date of experience: March 13, 2016
6 reviews for Catherine's are not recommended