BEWARE! The loan is released to the company in sections, as they progress. They will receive the final portion of payment BEFORE the project is complete and then THERE WILL BE NO MORE PROGRESS! There will be countless excesses, blaming the utility company and the inspectors, and their crew will be sick (OFTEN!), and the project will never get completed. They will even blame you because they drag the project on for so long that they will constantly need updated copies of forms and new signatures... only to let those expire, too. It will be YOUR fault they don't have current documents. They will promise the project will take 3 months on a worst-case scenario but I'm sitting on 15 months right now and still can't get anything accomplished. The YouTube videos and Dateline/60 Minutes episodes of people having to sue are exactly what you should expect with this company! I'm working a second full-time job to acquire the retainer for my attorney now. If that's not the kind of commitment you're ready for, I would suggest searching for a reputable company! My daughter and I are moving further apart right now because of the extra 48 hours/week that I'm not home and the hours spent discussing the ordeal with my attorney but it seems like the only other direction I can go is to just eat the massively over-priced loss and hope her mom can afford her school supplies and other necessities. I don't feel like it's her mom's fault I got scammed and she shouldn't have to provide ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING just because I believed their lies. So for now, I'll continue running on 3-4 hours of sleep every night and continue missing out on the quality time my family used to enjoy just to scrape by with all these extra expenses - until I can get the nightmare with this company to go away! I know they sell you on this idea that this will REPLACE your utility bills but I'm paying ON TOP OF my utility bills (which is another reason I'm forced to keep both jobs... and why it's taking so long to come up with the retainer for my lawyer!). They will also promise that you won't pay a single bill until the system is up and running for at least 30 days but don't fall for that scam, either! I am telling you that I've been paying since December and the system is still no where near finished! I'm supposed to be getting reimbursed for these payments but it was a massive fight just to get the few payments I have. And please don't fall for their good reviews like I did, either! I can't imagine anyone having a positive interaction with a company like this. Those HAVE to be paid reviews by people that aren't even familiar with this company! If you don't believe me, you are welcome to come review the evidence! I bet if you were to ask to see any evidence from the fake 5-star reviews, you would find out they don't even have solar panels! They do have a fairly friendly staff that will repeatedly read you the same script about how they are going to take aggressive action to resolve your issue but you won't hear from them for a month or so and will then have to remind them that they said that. I still have a LONG, LONG way to go but I really hope I can save at least one other person from falling for this same scam!
It's not worth the sacrifice! Two other companies are attempting to undo the mistakes and complete the process so it isn't a total loss. Both claim they could have finished the installation in a reasonable amount of time, for much cheaper... AND I'D HAVE A FUNCTIONING SYSTEM RIGHT NOW!!! Shop around a little, the good companies do exist. Don't get scammed like I did!
Still not able to use any of their products