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North Carolina
1 review
2 helpful votes

Unfortunate monopoly under the guise of a non-profit
September 1, 2023

The one star is my review is for the two customer service agents who actually did help me. The rest of the dozen or so agents I worked with were either too hard to understand due to their robotic rapid fire script delivery, without any trace of humanity, and with a very thick accent to boot, and seemingly did not understand my issue well enough to process a solution, for while they repeatedly said "I understand"-again, it was just part of their script.
I was attempting to get a CLEP score from a time period that was not available to access on the internet. As it was a long time ago, I did not recall the exact date or location of the exam needed, and so had to call to get it dug up from the archives. I received an email instructing me on further steps, including the option to call and provide information, which I did. However nothing happened, and when I called to check, the agent somewhat chastised me for not completing the necessary steps- even though I had. They had me submit all of the information again, and this time I did over the phone with the agent and also in an email. I received no confirmation yet again for the submission. When I called back to check on the process, they claimed again that they had not received any of the needed information, and took it all down AGAIN. A week passed, of my checking my account and email every day, with no noticeable changes on their very glitchy and confusing website. When I called to check again, the agent told me that they had sent me an email a week before, indicating that my scores had been found- yet again, I never received this email. She then instructed me on the very back-door and un-obvious way to find the score and request the transcripts. I'm doing it now, and though I am logged into the account, with my name on the top of the page, I am encountering a rather hilarious request to log in to access the scores and request transcripts. Also, College Board does not have my school listed as an option to send test scores to, even though I know they are accepted and allowed per the catalog. This is making me nervous, as all this runaround and miscommunication has already over delayed my needed prerequisite guidelines for the class I'm currently enrolled in with a temporary allowance from my program director. I really don't want to ever have to deal with their customer service again!
It's insane to me that this company is the main one we use get tested for college aptitude and credit, considering how difficult their site is to navigate, and how poor their customer service is overall. It's also a bit frustrating that they outsource labor for this department at all, especially considering how expensive all of their services are, and how they have little no competition in this very niche market. Reading other reviews about scoring discrepancies is equally frustrating! I would advise any parents or students to be very careful and aware when dealing with this company in regards to AP or CLEP exams, and to check with the university to see if there are any other options for placing ahead in certain subjects, and also to skip taking the SAT altogether if possible.

Tip for consumers:

Just take the ACT!

Products used:

CLEP exams in 2006-8

Date of experience: September 1, 2023