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7 reviews
23 helpful votes

August 13, 2016

I had good and terrible experiences with this site.

On the one hand, I connected with and successfully donated to a lesbian couple using AI with a happy result.

I have been a paid member on and off for years.

A few months ago, I was told that my membership was blocked and then cancelled due to a complaint. However I have no idea what the complaint was, or who it was from. Since I have a clear conscience, then I can only assume that it was a misunderstanding of some sort, or someone who had started an argument and then told only half the story.

I asked politely what the problem was, and they refused to tell me.
I asked politely what the accusation was, and they refused to tell me.
I asked who it was who had complained, and they refused to tell me.
The site just made a very vague accusation, with NO explanation, and banned me.

Franz has made several comments about "polite requests" to cancel and people being "aggressive", but in fact his actions were very highly psychologically aggressive. In terms of politeness, it is incredibly rude to tell someone they have allegedly done something wrong, but refuse to say what they are accused of doing, and refuse to say who has an issue. It is not only good manners, but it is in fact a very basic human right, and legal right, to be allowed to defend myself. Franz's actions did not recognize this right. I was not permitted to defend myself on any level, nor even to know what it was I had to defend myself from. To this day, I do not even know what I was accused of. Therefore, his pretense of civility is a farce when considered relative to his actions.

At the time I suddenly had my internet throat cut, by these thugs, there was a young woman in France who was planning to visit Australia. She gave me an e mail, but now I have no way of contact as without any reason or any warning, all my messages were blocked and I no longer had access to them. In this case, someone who wanted my help and could have gained it was obstructed, by the same company charging her money to facilitate the same thing they were blocking. Their actions represent a breech of contract against me, against her, and against any other woman who may have wanted my help. If Franz was on Australian soil I would have sued him by now, and made a range of formal complaints against him to the ACCC. He remains safe in another country.

I am not interested Franz in hearing any patronising and nose in the air response, like the half dozen I have just read. If you want to make a valid response I want to know what I was accused of, by whom, and I want both a) an apology for your total disregard of my basic human rights and b) access to all my former messages that you stole.
If what I am accused of is absurd and baseless, I will take out a bank loan with the express purpose of flying to France, engaging a French lawyer, and holding you accountable for your actions.

To review readers, you have seen the arrogance and indifference of the man who runs this site. I am a witness that if there is any problem you will be treated with contempt, extreme level rudeness, and even your most basic and reasonable questions will not be answered.

Their answer, only here and not on my e mail. After more than a year:

We protect women against men who want to enjoy the situation.
We received two complaints about your profile, that's enough to delete your account and protect our members."

How dare you.
How dare you.


If you are telling the truth, then what is my name?

You have thousands of members.

You delete and throw off quite a few people, as there are multiple people even on this site who have stated that.

This site does not give my name, address or e mail. BUT, even though you don't even know who I am, you are telling lies about me.

Therefore... a simple question... who am I? Do you have any idea who you are actually slandering and telling lies about?

What complaints? From whom? On the basis of what?
I have done nothing wrong.
Nobody at all needs "protection" from me, and your inference is illegal, and SLANDER.
Claiming I am a man who only wants to "enjoy the situation" is a LIE and is SLANDER.
I have at all times, offered AI, therefore any claim to the contrary is a LIE and is an act of SLANDER and LIABLE against my good name.
I am not a rapist.
I respect women. I have a biological daughter through AI already, with a lesbian couple
You have no written proof of the opposite, because it doesn't exist, and you are telling lies.
If you had any valid or true complaint against me, then why didn't you answer any of my questions to you over the past year,

You have ignored all correspondence for months, and respond here only because it is a public site, and you can't hide in the shadows under the rock you operate from.
There are either a) no complaints at all, and you are making things up.
Or b) there are two complaints which are baseless
Either way
If there are two baseless and false complaints, then how do you know who I am exactly? Given that you do not even have my name?
A man has a right to defend himself
A man has the right to know why you suddenly deleted and blocked them
A man has a legal right, even in France, to not be lied about in a public place, to be slandered and to be libeled.

You will apologise to me formally and in writing on this site.
You will restore all correspondence from my membership.
OR, I will be flying to Paris, employing a local lawyer to sue you for slander, and ending your organisation, and either sending you to jail or draining your bank account.

Date of experience: August 13, 2016