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1 review
1 helpful vote

Not Safe for Female travelers
February 13, 2023

1. It is Not Free

2.99% of guys are using it as Dating App.

I am a single female solo traveler. I just went to 4 cities with this app. Staying only 3 nights in avearage each.

I just put normal pics of me.
I received a total of more than 400 messages and offers of host males.

99% of them are flirting, expect for sex, or date. I had one who wanted to marry me the first 2 hours. I only used it in Usa.

I tried to select the most respectful and serious guys. Among the 4 hosts i went to one i didn t see him he was travelling, 2 tried to touch me but it didn t work. I still give a nice review because they tried once and didn t insist. Only one didn t try. But he must be one among 400. He liked me but he at least didn t try.

And some guys who ask me to host them, even them, expected to have sex and flirt and even ask me in the app to cuddle and massage and have sexual interractions.

I m not a very specially most beautiful girl, i m pretty and normal.

And i tried to make them respect and being kind not too much and i still have to stop all of them. That i don t use it as a date app.

But the worse you can have more $#*! than you think, a guy who was frustrated just reported i m sure he made it in a way that was wrong and my account have been reported by fake reporte.

Maybe it s not so bad i should stop to believe this app can bring something authentical as they discribe.

More than disappointed beside i always triedto not give my number and stay transparent in the app but i always had to repeat to most guys to not go out from this app. Because if you go out, those guys can start to harass and else a lot too start in tge app.

At the beginning 10 years ago, there was more respectuous people.

But Now, It s WORSE than TINDER

Date of experience: February 13, 2023