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1 review
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Crypto.com = BIG SCAM
April 29, 2024

I recently opened an account on this platform. After a few days I have send 500 xrp, from my binance account.
In the next minutes I've received the confirmation, on my email, from binance and this platform also.
I entered my crypto.com account and the deposit was pending. I got in touch with someone from your support and he said that I have to open the fiat wallet. From that moment problems started. It asked me to take a picture of a bank statement, wich I didn't have, I am curently in Africa, working. The person from support asked me to send him a picture of an ID, where he cand see my home address. I travel only with my passport, but I had some pictures on my phone. I've send him the ID in the chat, he said is not good, because I need to make the picture in the app…I've used my passport. After a few hours, I got an email that the verification failed…again I've conntacted the support chat and someone else answered…I had to repet the story again with valid ID, passport, bank statement issued 2 day before, with the last internet and television bill issued (I did this 7 times with 7 different persons from support, Packston, Abram, Nettie, Mahen, Syd, Bryant). After the failed verification email came, the app wouldn't let me do the picture for verification again, a man from support had to help me make it again, I did 3 more times but the results were the same, verification faild…
The last guy that I've talked with told me that the address in the app is not the same with the one from the papers that I take photo of in the app…
I asked them to send the crypto back where it came from, because the account that it came from is mine also, but they didn't do it, that said that I have to pass the verification first.
So now my crypto is pending and I cannot touch it…

Products used:

500 xrp

Date of experience: April 29, 2024