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South Carolina
1 review
7 helpful votes

First off its been over 3 weeks and i checked the order...
May 30, 2012

First off its been over 3 weeks and i checked the order status and all it says is waiting fullfillment which means they havent even shipped it, which seems kind of slow but thats not the issue i have. I could use the money back, but i understand they have a no refund policy. Which is fine. I tried calling the toll free number in the middle of the day on a weekday couldnt get in touch with anyone go figure. I sent a email to them asking was it to late to get a refund.ok is where i admit i should have been more patient, instead waiting back to here from them i filed a dispute on paypal who i paid for the jerseys. All i said in the dispute was id like a refund, i wasnt bashing them accusing them of being frauds. I can understand them not appreciating that and wondering why i did it. But here is where they came off $#*! classless unprofessional a. Holes. They sent me a email back accusing me of being a scammer and running to my credit card company and if i didnt close the dispute within to 48 hours they would get a lawyer and file charges,. I mean really they couldnt just ask why i did it and be professional and give me an update about the order status and remind me no refunds. I sent them an email explaining i wasnt a scammer and i them i didnt like the way they overreacted and threaghtened me like that. I told them ill drop the dispute and just send the damn jerseys then and ill never do business with them again. I also let them know i wasnt the first person that thought they were rude and unprofessional. Later that night i get another email where the guy says and i quote" being from South Carolina u obviously cant read and your a your a dumb Hillbilly dip$#*!" i admit i used the word "ya" several times in my response so what i wasnt writing a thesis to Harvard. Anyways they told me a delivery date of June the 5th. Ill hold my breath. I give them to june 10th, and if i dont receve the jerseys by then im gonna open a dispute demanding a refund. I should do it anyway afer being called a dip$#*! hillbilly. Totally unprofessional in my opinion. Anyways plenty of other jersey companies online, i dont recommend this company

Date of experience: May 30, 2012