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1 review
3 helpful votes

Deeply disappointed as a foster
July 18, 2023

Beware. I fostered 11 precious puppies and a sweet mama dog for Denkai and it was a very confusing, frustrating and deeply disturbing experience. Denkai beyond took advantage of me, and I'm very saddened to have to leave this review.

They provided and paid for nothing, not even essentials. I was reimbursed for absolutely nothing during the 11 weeks of feeding, formula, pee pads, medications, dewormer, medicated shampoos, teething toys, food bowls, more pee pads, everything. When I asked for any supplies, such as pee pads, they seemed surprised at the request, and said "we will have to do a fundraiser for that." After the fifth try, I stopped asking them to pay for anything.

I lived and breathed the well-being of these 11 puppies for 11 weeks and I was given very little direction, no guidance, and Tara constantly and condescendingly played games with me via text …especially regarding when she was going to have the puppies spayed/neutered. Denkai tried aggressively to spay/neuter all of the 11 puppies at 6 1/2 weeks old.

No veterinarian in the world recommends spaying/neutering a puppy at 6 1/2 weeks. It's criminal. Not even the vet that did the procedures recommends spaying/neutering prior to 6 months -1 year of age, I know this because I called to ask the front desk, and they were very clear that 6 mos- 1 year is the soonest that they ever recommend it. Yet, Tara refused to allow my adopters to "foster to adopt," so that they could choose to execute this procedure on their own timeline. She allowed one adopter to do the "foster to adopt" option because he paid her an extra $150. She refused to offer any reasoning for denying adopters the option to "foster to adopt." It was obviously money motivated.

They promised me that I would have final say and ample input in who adopted the puppies, however, they adopted one puppy right out from under me …to an adopter that no one had ever met and of which no one had ever seen the home, and didn't even live in Colorado. Moreover, I had already adopted this pup to another adopter, who had actually visited the pup and was an excellent fit. They gave the puppy to the former adopter because they took his payment over the phone before notifying me of anything. In the end, that poor puppy had to be transferred in a hot car, on the day of his spay surgery, to Sante Fe.

Truly, this experience was filled with one unnecessary drama after another. And I'm a pretty low-key, reasonable person!

Some of the decisions and demands that they made were completely unreasonable, not in the best interest of the puppy, and clearly money motivated.

This sanctuary never did a single home visit/check and didn't seem to much care where the puppies ended up, as long as the adopter was paid up.

No matter how hard I tried to get a phone call back from the "owner" Floss, she would not call me to discuss anything. Instead, she would instruct her employees to text me, in a very snide and/or demanding tone, or just ignore me. Either way, they made it very clear, numerous times, that I was to do what they instructed me to do, or else they would have the puppies removed from my care by authorities immediately.

I was not confrontational. I was not difficult. I did notice, however, that their tone towards me grew bitter and dismissive when I told them that I was going into debt paying for everything myself, and that I would need them to pick up the next vet bill for one of the puppies to get their skin problem officially checked (I was failing at trying to troubleshoot it myself, and the poor pup was quickly losing her hair).

So, fosters and adopters, beware. I feel deeply taken advantage of and very sad to have to leave this review.

If you want to volunteer with a reputable organization, I have learned that A Friend of Jack's really honors their fosters, and adopters, and does a nice job self regulating their systems and procedures

Date of experience: July 18, 2023