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1 review
4 helpful votes

Arrived fast and sickly
August 26, 2023

Great price, good communication until I pointed out the fish were sick, shipped right when I wanted it to, and the fish arrived even after shipping was delayed by UPS due to weather issues. I was sent smaller fish and different color fish than I ordered. I ordered 3-3.5 inches and received 7 2-2.5 inch fish of different colors. I think I got two of the 7 types/colors I chose and all were smaller. Two looked DOA, but I placed them in quarantine and turned up the temperature to get them to perk up. One was extremely dark and I chalked it up to stress. All would hide in the corners of the tank and would barely come out to eat and some leaned sideways against the tank. When I brought this to the sellers attention, he immediately stopped responding after being extremely responsive and helpful before that. I noticed a few fish with stringy white poop. With the amount I paid, I could have ordered directly from the people he gets his from but actually get the correct size and colors and now I'm sad that I didn't. Thankfully, I posted pictures of my fish in a discus group and people pointed out how thin and sickly these fish were. Some pointed out which fish had bacterial infections and said all may have internal parasites. I placed them all in quarantine, treated all tanks, raised heat, and used aquarium salt and the fish were completely different after treatment. The dark one became a light color and had stripes, which could barely be seen when he arrived. They had a lot more energy, didn't hide in the corners, actively ate and swam around, and their poop went back to normal. I ended up ordering more fish from a different seller and the acclimation experience was like night and day. These new fish from a different seller were actually 3-3.5inches, not deathly thin, and weren't sickly upon arrival. They were strong, big, and healthy.
I would have continued being fine with this order despite receiving different colors and sizes and even if they were sick if the seller would have just been honest and kept communicating so I could have been told the best way to treat them. Please read all the negative reviews. Don't be like me and ignore them and think it'll be different for you. I ordered because it looked like he had more variety than other sellers when he really just buys something smaller and possibly close to what you asked for and ships you whatever. Do not recommend at all. Included pictures of what I was supposed to get vs what I received.

Date of experience: August 25, 2023
New Jersey
1 review
9 helpful votes

DO NOT DO BUSINESS with Discus.com and Michael Li
August 11, 2021

He, his website, and business practices are a complete joke! I regret ever buying fish from this website or him. What a dishonest business man! Just type of "discus.com reviews" and you'll see countless negative complaints from copyright infringement of pictures to selling fish not as described. I wish I would have read all of these reviews before ordering, not just looking at his positive reviews on his website.

I ordered 6-8inch Atabapo altums and paid him $450 for them. He sends me 3-4 inch fish, explaining those were the largest that they can send. If they're not as you described, why did you send them?

He readily takes my money, and says I'd like to make this right after the fact. After several heated exchanges with him, he says he can give me a $70 refund for the mistake. Keep your stinking money! I will not order from him if he was the only fish shop online.

Go directly to the source for quality fish, Wattley Discus, or other reputable breeders and other sources. He buys a well known domain name and drops fish fish from Wattley Discus and other sources. I wonder if he even owns an aquarium.

Learn from m $450 mistake. Money is not the issue. His dishonesty, greed, and unscrupulous business practices are the issue.

Other complaints have 3 pages on sites like simplydiscus.com forum:


Please read this thread from Kenny of Kenny's discus and judge for yourself http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showth...t-doesn-t-have

Here are some of the comments:

Shatz: This guy is a complete scammer and I would stay away, far away!

Ryan: This guy does not have a facility. You place the order, he then orders from Wattley, and Wattley ships directly to you. Michael Li has no fish and doesn't ship. He never sees or handles the livestock.
He steals pictures from other vendors to bait you into ordering, then places an order at a totally different vendor who does not have the fish in his pictures. So it's worse than drop-shipping. It's an outright scam. It's like showing you an iPhone and then having someone ship you one of those garbage knock-offs from China.

Mjj Discus says:
This Li guy is a joke. Hes a joke scammer. I ordered 3 items from him all on separate days. I received one of three items which i had tracking for. I talked to him on the phone asking about the status and tracking info for the other 2 items, he stated he did not have since i would have coat moremoney for shipping. He blamed in on covid an told me to wait. I ended up opening a dispute with paypal. At this point he gave them thw tracking number that showed the 1 item that did deliver and they closed the dispute in his favour. I will be calling paypal again to get my money back since i have proof what was associated to the tracking is not the other 2 items. Hes a loser and a scammer dont waste your time and money on this fool. One day he will gwt hia teeth kicked in!

Need more? There's 3 more pages.

Date of experience: August 11, 2021