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1 review
7 helpful votes

Goodness... barely any words for Ebay site. What a nightmare!
June 8, 2020

Well where to start... buying items and winning bids came easily at first. The first few sellers I transacted with were very professional and pleasant and I was highly satisfied with my items to begin with. But then things changed after I decided to list some of my own items to try and sell after I bought my last item. Here came the scammers and harrassment from Ebay themselves insisting me to provide feedback for every single item I bought, some of which was negative, and apparently that is not an option, not even a neutral. Today I got a nasty email in my private inbox telling me to update my review to positive-mind you it was only a neutral, not negative, so not so bad. Anyway, Ebay refuses to budge on giving clear direction and recourse on reporting fraudulent buyers/sellers or blocking problematic users and even closing my account which I am very close to doing now because I have been very patient and reasonable with trying to solve problems with these people and wanted to give them another chance, but now am very disgusted with their policies and unethical way of doing things. I am so sick of Ebay "sellers" claiming their items are in excellent condition, and Ebay claiming this "seller" automatically received 5 stars for the transaction just to bully me into giving a great review(pair of sandals I bought lasted less than a month and now I'm paying $$ to have them repaired. Yes they were preowned but still, the seller should not have stated they were in excellent condition when clearly that wasn't the case. Looks can be deceiving.). And now they won't cooperate with how I want to edit my listings for items to sell, to try and make some $$ to make up for the cash I lost buying garbage? No phone number to call that works, no real customer service... trying to figure out what to do once and for all to find peace of mind and leave this site for good. I strongly advise for anyone to stay clear away from this corrupt corporation. Anyone who knows how I can close my account outside of Ebay "help" and refer me to someplace where I can formally file a complaint(Admissions General... forgot what was recommended earlier... Beaureau of Consumer Complaints? Please PLEASE let me know. Thank you for reading and any assistance or advise given.

Date of experience: June 8, 2020