EDD, is designed and funded through the Good people of American tax dollars, but who takes care of all our money? (insurance company/Corporations-Banks) Corporations take care of all the intake money, control, and payouts on your EDD claim. You have an (EDD-Bank of America card) Right, and do you think they're doing that for free, Now you're starting to understand! Now think about any insurance company you ever dealt with deny, deny, deny. Until they can't deny anymore, and then they have to pay out on the claim or don't. Most people give up, walk away, or find a shity job right away.
Yes, the good people of America work for EDD, but there don't have any control over the actions of your EDD claim. Corporations dose. The Corporation set the rules, the guidelines of intake and outtake of all pay-outs. Yes, we get upset with the rips, but we're actually upset the wrong person. Because most of the rips don't have a clue what's going on until they read the computer screen that tells them about your EDD claim. They're just as surprised as you are.
The insurance company AKA (EDD) basically has software that looks for any imperfections on your account. Once it determines there, is a problem with your account, your account gets placed on hold, it could be as little as you're checking the wrong box on your form or putting the wrong date or not in the right order. The software will automatically put you in a problem-category, shut your account down and placed on hold for around six months and trigger a phone interview from a rip, now your account on hold. Then they deny your claim, and EDD asking you if you want to dispute their actions. Now you have a court date, to dispute a claim with EDD, this well Take about 6 months and you will not get paid the whole time.
And the good citizens that work for EDD don't have any say-so on the matter, it's all done by computer base software. That's designed by a corporation to profit from our TAX dollars. The longer the Insurance company AKA (EDD) deny the claims, the more money they can hold on to in their banks accounts, the longer they hold the money, the more interesting they make on our money.
Case-in-point when you go shopping, and they ask you to donate to a charity, it works the same way, that money goes directly into the bank account for about six months or more before they even give it to the charity in question, after they take off there processing fees!