Faulty device/poor volume/ misleading advertising/ NOT 100% guarantee
Purchased this product and CANCELLED the order the same day. Was told it was already shipped(sketchy). Asked for return and was given return number. Received item day before leaving on trip to Netherlands. Made the mistake of bringing the device to try and communicate with my friend's small children. Device booted up and went through voice confirmation EXTREMELY LOUDLY(perfect). Once set up, device would not translate words correctly, no matter how clearly you spoke into it AND the volume of the translation was 5% of the volume of the boot up voice! No amount of fiddling with settings or volume controls changed it. The device did not get used. Came back from the trip and asked for return. Was told return was impossible as item was opened! How can one test a product to find it malfunctioning without opening it? So much for the 30 day guarantee. Was given return policy link, where there was no mention of an opened box non-return policy. Went back and forth with customer service about this and was eventually given second return code. Was also told that shipping would be at my cost, there could be a $35 receiving fee, a restocking fee AND after the item was looked over, a PARTIAL reimbursement. The item was $125 CAD. After discussing it with my wife, we decided to throw the device in the garbage and wipe our hands clean of the process of returning it. I'm going to assume that the whole purchase model is based of making it so difficult to return the poor product that one just does exactly what we did. The model works! Don't fall prey to this product. Learn from our mistakes.
Here is the actual conversation with the customer service rep:
Morgan Cathey
Need help returning your order? Let us know how we could assist you!
• B1L4ROHGU3U5I27UXFI1S0NOP please cancel this shipment
• ive sent two emails to the seller and talked to customer service to have the item cancelled.
Aug 21,2:06 PM
Greetings, and thank you for contacting Muama Enence. My name is Yoshiko, and I'm happy to assist you today.
• I'm sorry to hear that you want to cancel your order.
• today it shows movement of product
Aug 21,2:07 PM
In order to better help you out, do you mind sharing your email address, full name, and order number with me?
• ***********shaw.ca
• barrettxxxxxxxx
• order#******* Cancellation
Aug 21,2:08 PM
Thank you for that information.
• I will contact our warehouse team with a request to cancel your order. We will get back to you via email within 24-48 hours.
• In the meantime, I would like to offer you a 20% partial refund if you decide to keep the order. The estimated refund amount is $44.5, and the following gifts are included:
Huusk Limited Edition Cookbook ($15.00) FREE - A limited edition recipe book that will take you on a culinary adventure that will complement your lifestyle.
Nuubu Detox Guide ($14.95) FREE - This guide aims to analyze the main causes of toxins and provide you with the additional knowledge you need to help you achieve a healthier way of life.
Warranty ($16.95) FREE - If your device is defective, arrived physically damaged, has issues with internal components, or has charging issues within 3 years of delivery, we will replace it completely.
Lingoget App ($39.00) FREE - Learn from over 30+ languages in the comfort of your home.
• Ive talked with someone whom did that but the product shows its on the way to the shipper
• no thank you i was offered that yesterday and declined
• Aug 21
08:05 AM
· DHL eCommerce Solutions
Aug 21,2:09 PM
I understand. No worries; I have already requested it from our warehouse. Once we receive confirmation, we will contact you via email.
• Aside from this, do you have further concerns I can help you with?
• if the order shows its on the way to the delivery service, how will that cancekl the order?
Aug 21,2:10 PM
Once we have an update with our warehouse team, we will get back at you via email.
• thats within 24-48 hours correct?
• the package that i want cancelled is on the way to be shipped right now
• i had it cancelled yesterday. The same day i bought it
• i dont want to receive it and have to ship it back
• do you have DHL phone number?
Aug 21,2:13 PM
I totally understand! No need to worry at all. Rest assured, I've already put in a request to our warehouse for it. As soon as we get confirmation, we'll be sure to reach out to you via email.
• Feel free to contact us again if you have further concerns.
• Thank you for contacting Enence Instant Translator Support. I hope I was able to help. If you have any other concerns, you can also contact us by email through our website. Have a nice day!
• Today
#******* hello, I just returned from the Netherlands with the product and it did not work properly. It did not recognize speech very well and the volume of the answers were so low that you could not hear them, even at full volume. The start up voice was super loud, but not the responses. I'd like to return it please.
• I attempted to return it right after purchase, but it had been sent. Decided to try it in the Netherlands, but was disappointed.
Wed, 8:53 AM
Greetings, and thank you for contacting Muama Enence. My name is Yoshiko, and I'm happy to assist you today.
• Hi
• Can you reopen the return process for this product please
• It has been opened and attempted use, but was non functional as advertised
Wed, 8:54 AM
I'm sorry to hear that we did not meet your expectations.
• no problem. Id just like to return for a refund please
• Can I have a current RMA?
Wed, 8:55 AM
Apologies, but we do not accept return for used and opened product. You can read our return policy here: https://enence.com/return
• (b) You have received a product that is defective or otherwise bad;
• (d) You have changed your mind and want to return a product.
• How can one know if the product ios defective without attempting to use it?
Wed, 8:58 AM
If you like we can try to troubleshoot the device.
• No thank you. I asked for a cancellation the same day i bought it, but it was shipped already
• next i attempted to use it and it was not functioning
• i was going to leave it in the Netherlands for the girls to use
• but it doesnt work properly
• I have no need for it now
27 minutes ago
I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, as mentioned earlier we do not accept return for used product.
• B) says "defective"
• d) says "changed you mind"
• re-pack your product safely and securely, attach the provided RMA form in a visible place on the package and send us the returning products to the Return address given to you by our customer support team.
• If you need to repack to send back,. This implies it has beed opened
• nowhere does it say unopened
• please send me proof of this
• Step #5 - Once we receive the returned products and inspect them, we will issue a refund within 14 days.
• Whet are inspecting if it is unopened?
• please send proof of this
22 minutes ago
I'm sorry to hear that the product did not meet your expectations and that you would like to return it for a refund.
To make sure that I've exhausted all options here, we advise our customers to look at these offers and check if they would be more ideal than taking the time to return.
20% partial refund for the whole order - US$17.8
Huusk Cookbook PDF $15.00 FREE- A limited edition recipe book that will take you on a culinary adventure that will complement your lifestyle. With this book, even novice cooks can create their most impressive meals yet.
Huusk Limited Edition Cookbook ($15.00) FREE - A limited edition recipe book that will take you on a culinary adventure that will complement your lifestyle.
Nuubu Detox Guide ($14.95) FREE - This guide aims to analyze the main causes of toxins and provide you with the additional knowledge you need to help you achieve a healthier way of life.
Warranty ($16.95) FREE - If your device is defective, arrived physically damaged, has issues with internal components, or has charging issues within 3 years of delivery, we will replace it completely.
Lingoget App ($39.00) FREE - Learn from over 30+ languages in the comfort of your home.
• If you accept the offers, please let me know so I can process them for you, but if you still feel like returning the items, please use this Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) Form and follow the return instructions: https://translatorenence.com/return/xdpax/fill
• No, thank you
• Un-defective items must be returned in manufacturer's condition, in original and undamaged packaging. For defective items, please contact our customer support prior to arranging the return.
• The item was out of the box to test and was not functional as advertised
20 minutes ago
I'm sorry to hear that you would still like to return the order. Your email address should receive the RMA that has been generated. For your convenience, you can also view it here: https://translatorenence.com/return/xdpax/fill
To complete your return, please follow the steps outlined in our form.
Please note that we won't charge you a restocking fee for your return, but you will have to pay for the shipping costs to send it back.
• Aside from this, do you have further concerns I can help you with?
• Thank you for you8r help. Could I have the contact number of the next step in disputing this, should I not be satisfied with the process in the link, please?
19 minutes ago
What do you mean by that?
• I mean, if I have issues trying to return this by the steps outlined, I'd like to escalate this to someone in charge. I will attempt return by RMA, but would like another avenue should this prove difficult.
13 minutes ago
To complete your return, please follow the steps outlined in our form. If you are having trouble with the return, you can always contact us for assistance.
• I'm just checking in. Are you still there?
• yes
• just fillinglut return now
• filling out
7 minutes ago
Oh I see, if you have further concerns feel free to contact us again.
• 7 minutes ago
Thank you for contacting Enence Instant Translator Support. I hope I was able to help. If you have any other concerns, you can also contact us by email through our website. Have a nice day!
• Thank you Yoshiko
6 minutes ago
Take care
Purchased in Aug 2023 for $125.
Invoice Number: #*******