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Social Media turned Income Earnings Opportunity
August 15, 2016

It started as site that offered free text messages around the world. Then it went on to become an online money making platform. This is FanBox.com, a site that has had mixed reviews over the years concerning the way it does business and still does business.

It was an impressive start for FanBox.com when it jumped from a free text-messaging service website as a way of socializing, to a complete social media website that in some ways looked much like Facebook.

It had one difference though, it incorporated into its social media enviroment the possibility for its registered members to engage in income earnings activities. It created these opportunities by first introducing blogging.

This was at a time when blogging was becoming very popular as a platform for sharing content. With time it created more and more opportunities for its members to earn. It also created a marketplace where individual members could list new and used items and sell them and where interested members could buy them

Some of the opportunities created were blogging, boosting ads, creating ads for blogs, teaching and success coaching. With time more and more opportunities were added.

Registration was open to anyone wanting to earn an online income and cash out required that earnings reached $25 or more before they could be requested. The cash out procedure however required a 90-day maturity period which meant that even if someone registered to earn from the website this month, they would only be able to collect their first payment after 90 days/3 months.

Cash out required having a paypal account or receiving a check at a given physical address. Cash out through paypal was quicker as it took 3-5 days to see earnings in your paypal account.

Seeing that membership had grown rapidly and seeing that this growth kept on increasing, FanBox then decided to make the site a closed membership site. This meant that joining the site would require an invitation and recieving such invitation would require a Visa.

A Visa was nothing more than a code that was communicated to the person being invited by the person inviting them through email, who on receiving the code, would insert the code on the registration page where it was required and then get access to the site after the code was accepted and registration completed.

This as FanBox put it, was to make sure only people serious about earning and serious enough to stay on the site for long and not leave the site would join. FanBox also introduced a form of advertising credit system in which all members could receive advertising credits and use them to promote their blogs and earn. However once earnings were made these advertising credits had to be returned back to the advertising credit pool before any earnings could be cashed out.

This in a nutshell is FanBox.com which today goes by the name empwr. Com. Today, It has an elected president who is voted in by members. Presidency is currently for 1 year and could eventually be extended. Participation in election as presidential candidates is open only to members who are success coaches.

When it turned to a social media website with income earnings opportunities it was one of the best online experiences of the time. Many members earned incredible amounts of money and cashed them out. Cash outs were extremely frequent such that earnings proofs were posted regularly by members on their individual timeline.

While the frequent cash outs was pleasing to members some members were wondering how sustainable this trend would be in the long term. Some also questioned where the money to pay the cash out was coming from as they couldn't find anything in FanBox's activities that could allow it to generate so much income as to afford paying millions in cash out money each month.

FanBox.com had to its advantage the creation of a social media site which incorporated a marketplace as well as an advertising platform and many earnings opportunities. Earnings could be generated within the site without the need for external engagement even though making blogs and selling products you might have, known to an external audience, also helped. But it wasn't necessary.The FanBox enviroment was big enough to meet the marketing needs of every registered member on its site.

If cash out was rapid and easy before, with the introduction of the advertiser credit, cash out request was only possible if earnings exceeded the amount of advertiser credit used.It meant first paying off advertising credit used at the moment you want to cash out your earnings and then make cash out request for what was left over as earnings. Also many programs such as the success coaching program changed rapidly as requirements into the program was becoming more demanding.

As a site that has completely changed to add lots of new features over the years even having its own downloadable app on Google Play and Apple store it moves with the changing times frequently updating its technology to better meet the demands of its members.

Having survived more than 12 years online and still continuing along the lines of its slogan which is " to empower people by enabling opportunities". It has a rich content website that offer a great many ways to earn, to network with other people and to sell products and offer services. While this is acceptable, earnings are put to the hard test by way of the introduction of the advertiser credit feature-which can be regulated individually-being used as the only viable way to earn more and earn well. Many people may not feel encouraged by this but if anyone has challenging tendencies to try this online experience then they are welcomed to do so.

Date of experience: August 15, 2016