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New Jersey
1 review
0 helpful votes

Use at your own risk
February 7, 2024


I want to put out this PSA so you don't get screwed over like I did. Do not use this service if you do not have a Jagex account or your account will be hijacked. I'm an advanced three user here so I have plenty of past orders (check the advanced vouches) where I had a lot of successful orders.However, just recently I ordered 200hrs of COX. They started the order no problem, 26 raids and a few days later I got an APR update that showed the session started but no other updates after that. Adrian then reaches out asking if I changed my credentials and as soon as I check, I see the email that my character was imported into another jagex account that I did not own.

At this point, I opened a ticket with Jagex to hopefully recover everything in time. They got my character back and the bank was completely wiped out. Mind you I only had a $700M bank on my iron (my order cost more than it would to buy that amount of GP), the pin was still intact with a few days left to clear, and this was a brand new password.

If this was intentional (i.e a Fancyhire employee saw a quick way to make $100 bucks) or unintentional (they download a keylogger/not safe with my credentials) Fancy hire $#*!ed me over big time. The only thing they told me was there was no evidence it was them and that it was a weird and complicated situation and since I didn't have an account to finish the order I asked and they refunded me the hours that were left.

As devastating as it is to lose all that gear on my ironman I graded for (pegasians, BGS, D-warhammer, Fang, edinis ward, etc.) it's even more painful to know it was done by a service I thought I trusted. So take these facts and use them as you wish but know if given the opportunity they will screw you over the first chance they get.

- Ex-Fancy Hire Customer

Products used:

Raid services

Date of experience: February 7, 2024