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New Jersey
1 review
2 helpful votes

It's a scam to get your money
February 20, 2016

Basically, they offer what they call "worry-free" tickets where hou can get a refund if you can't make the show or the website screwed up. This is a lie. They say if you are unable to change it yourself 2hrs prior the show time via their website to contact customer service. I was on their live chat and their phone support waiting for over an hour and a half. As I was writing an email to them about this abysmal wait time, a woman finally answered the phone, I was still #74 on live chat queue. She basically said the website won't let you change it yourself depending on what you used as payment. Nowhere did it say that on the website, nor the e-mail confirmation nor the automated loop during the hold which kept repeating about the "worry-free" tickets and to go to the website to change it. I explained the website error and she said she couldn't change it because by now the show time was happening, that I should have contacted support. At this point I have reiterated that I did try the website before the 2 hours and did try to contact through live chat and phone support before the hours but, they made me sit and wait for that length of time. She kept saying she "understands" and that I should have contacted them. At this point I'm wondering if she's just and automated message or if she doesn't understand simple concepts of time. Apparently fandango wants us to contact 4 hours prior the show time to factor in the 2 hour wait time. Thoigh they never say it and make everything as misleading as possible. After the phone call I finally hit send on that email after adding in the illogical phone call and at this time all I have received is an automated email back saying to try the website or contact support. It also says to expect a reply within 24 hrs. This was on Monday so...? TLDR; Theyre scamming people out of their money, the line at the movies is 10x better to deal with than these jerks.

Date of experience: February 20, 2016