3 reviews for Justice are not recommended
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New York
1 review
1 helpful vote

TR FindLaw is Sleazy and Does Terrible Work for Ripoff Prices
June 17, 2021

Chuck Eddy and Bryan Mercer of TR FindLaw got me on a recorded web conference, talked really smooth, and tried to get me to accept a total garbage website as just needing a few tweaks. When I told them that the website was bad, and that a lot of work would have to be done, there was a long silence. Possibly, they are used to selling garbage and getting away with it. The website even included a photo of a car driver at a traffic stop giving a police officer a $100 bill. You would have thought that they would have been embarrassed about that, or even apologized, but nope. Instead, I got an e-mail trying to create an impression that all was well, maybe to create an e-mail paper trail to use against me later. So, I had to spend hours writing an e-mail back to put the real facts into an e-mail paper trail. I had to do that a second time too. Chuck Eddy and Bryan Mercer were terrible people, and dealing with them was a terrble experience. I wrote an e-mail discussing the options, one of which was me suing TR FindLaw, and they assigned a new project manager.

TR FindLaw charged me thousands of dollars for the time period when the website was not remotely decent enough to go online.

Ultimately, the content of the website was written primarily by me, which took me dozens of hours, probably more than 50 hours.

The new project manager, Kathy Scovill told me that it did not matter if my website was good, if people were calling me. However, when she said that, the website was not even online yet, so what did she base that on? Kathy Scovill told me that people looking online for lawyers look at only (1) the type of law the lawyer practices and (2) the lawyer's geographic location, and that other content does not matter. Let's just say that she gave me an extremely strong impression that she just did not want to do the work to do a good job. In the end, I could never get her to do everything correctly. I finally gave up. She was untalented and ignorant, but she could have tried.

TR FindLaw told me that Google Business Pages were crucial and that, for Google Business Pages, I had to rent an office with my own unique address. So, I signed a one year office lease, which cost me thousands of dollars. I later discovered that Google Business Pages is to attract LOCAL clients and I had told TR FindLaw multiple times (and I do mean "multiple" and I do mean "explained" in detail) that I was not trying to attract local clients and that I was trying to attract OUT OF TOWN clients. The bottom line was that I did not need what they were selling, but they sold it to me, so they got my money, and I got nothing.

The TR FindLaw website was outrageously expensive, compared to godaddy, especially because TR FindLaw charged me thousands of dollars when the website was not yet nearly decent enough to go online, and the TR FindLaw website never generated anywhere near enough calls or contacts to come anywhere close to justifying that expense.

TR FindLaw is sleazy and does bad work for ripoff prices. What a terrible mistake I made signing a contract with TR FindLaw. I wasted more than $10,000 and probably 100+ hours of my time dealing with them.

Tip for consumers:

Do not deal with FindLaw

Products used:


Date of experience: June 17, 2021
1 review
3 helpful votes

Least favorite of 50 vendors
June 2, 2020

I do not enjoy working with Findlaw. I've worked with them for 2 1/2 years, with various sets of reps. There was one set good (thank you Robert and Matt!), but I wish I did not have to work with the rest. Even now we are stuck in a contract with FindLaw for another two years, and I just hope nothing arises so that I don't have to contact any of them. I found many of them salesy and pushy, even when I specifically told them of me disliking the last rep doing that, and assuring me they wouldn't be salesy like that last rep. They emailed me prices for Super Lawyers, then when I asked to start services they said they accidentally sent me the wrong prices and wouldn't honor them. I had other reps trying to contact our firm's partners saying they're our new representative and the partner should schedule a meeting with them; when it got forwarded to me I found out they were not in fact our new rep, it was just a sales tactic to get us to sign up for more things even though we were already in contract with them. In their sales meetings they sound like they will offer a great experience, and you'd be ignorant not to use them, but I so far haven't seen the follow through on those promises that I wish they would provide. When I let one of the sales reps know we were going to move our website because their team wasn't fixing errors for months, instead of apologizing he basically said, "You'll be sorry. And you'll come crawling back to us soon, you'll see." It does not feel like FindLaw is on our side or looking out for the best interest of our firm, so it is hard for me to trust them.

In addition to a negative experience to set up, it is very challenging getting anything done. It has taken me months and months and follow up after follow up to resolve what should be quick issues like "Why can't I log in?" and "Can you please remove this from the website page." My rep agreed on January 24th to remove something from our website; it wasn't until June 18 (5 months later, and more than 10 follow-up reminders and requests from me) that they finally removed it, and that only because I escalated it to people above my rep to make sure it would finally get handled.

I was also very disappointed with how their company chose to handle covid. When other businesses were flexible and working with clients, such as Martindale-Hubbell who graciously let us keep running our ads even for months when we would otherwise have had to take them down, FindLaw was the least supportive or flexible vendor of all of the ones I contacted. I tried to point out the very clause that addresses incidents like this in our contract, force majeure, and simply asked to be able to pause advertising. We were not asking to break our contract, and would pay all the money we had agreed to, just taking a few month pause in the middle during the global pandemic and related court closures. After trying to contact them multiple times to request this, and them never once answering my questions about the force majeure clause, I finally received a voice mail from a random woman from their department (not any of the reps I've worked with for 6 months) notifying me that we could pay a month late, but not even addressing that they're rejecting our request to pause the ads, and without leaving contact information where I could reach her back. I tried multiple times asking my account rep how to get ahold of this woman or how to follow up to ask further questions, but she would not follow up or provide me contact information to discuss further. In a time of crisis, with so many other companies extending flexibility and understanding, I was very disappointed that Findlaw was unwilling to work with us, or presumably other firms either.

I work with probably more than 50 (actually probably more than 100) vendors for our firm from Legal Services to Tech Services to Marketing Services to Building & Maintenance Services... and I don't think there's a single vendor I like working with less than FindLaw.

Date of experience: June 2, 2020
7 reviews
38 helpful votes

October 15, 2015


Date of experience: October 15, 2015
3 reviews for Justice are not recommended