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1 review
1 helpful vote

Forever Missed facilitated the deletion of my wifes acct & her fathers memorial page
January 3, 2025

Forever Missed deleted my wifes acct, her father memorial site and all of her comments on my fathers site!
I went to forever missed today and I found they had deleted my wifes account and the memorial to her father. My wife passed away so I was maintaining her acct and her fathers memorial site. Now both are gone! Also all the comments she had made on my fathers memorial site are gone! I was not notified or anything. This is totally unacceptable. I am waiting to hear back from their support. This is not the way I was expecting to start the new year off!

I just heard back from support at forevermissed. They say the account was deleted at the request of one of the children! How do they verify that one of my wifes children has the authority to do this? They said I could create new memorial for my father-in-law, but of course they expect me to pay again! And I still lose all of my wifes materials. I asked the account be restored...

They say the transferred the account to the daughter and she deleted it. Even though the account was administered by me, the husband! And they did not verify or contact the administrator (me) to verify any details or to ask for any explanation. How can an administrator and husband make unauthorized postings. When they are the legal representative of the account? And I am the more immediate family than an estranged daughter with an ax to grind. There was a reason the daughter had no access to the account. Does this sound fair? I do not believe so. If forevermissed was really sorry about this situation they would restore the account and transfer it back to me who has been an admin on that account since it was created. But they won't because they really do not care about the families wishes. Me, the other daughter, the sister, and the rest of the family. They only care about one daughter?

Update: 1/17/2025
"post content on memorials as if she were still alive. To protect the integrity of her account and respect her memory, ". Yes, I was posting content, but not as if she were still alIve, how could I post content on her own memorial site as if she were still alive? Also my wife and I shared a common email address so sometimes I would forget which account I was logged in as. You did not respect her memory by deleting her account this was the most disrespectful thing you could have done, especially by deleting her fathers account and her stories there.

Tip for consumers:

Your remembrances can be deleted at any time without notice.

Date of experience: January 2, 25
1 review
1 helpful vote

July 3, 2020

Design, Set up, Ease of access, Intuitiveness

Very well-thought-out and user friendly website

Date of experience: July 3, 2020
2 reviews for Forever Missed are not recommended