This email thread tells all there is. There code is badly written and does not work.
Stay clear away from these scammers. They go by gentleninja and provenlogic. Here is a sample of my email correspondence with them, looks like Paypal will refund me, phew! Sadly they could have avoided this bull$#*! if they just gave me the script that I was looking for. It is so much easier to run an honest business than a fake and scam one, but I guess they think they are so smart.
Here is my email thread with them:
Since you offer an unconditional moneyback guarantee, we would like to go ahead and take you up on that. We have not been able to make any use of your system.
We have deleted it from our servers, Please confirm or we will take it up with paypal ourselves in 48 hours.
ProvenLogic <*******>
9/16/14to meHi Rudy,
Sorry you feel this way - you know that these are digital goods and the warranty we have mentioned is for 2 weeks as well.
But no worries, I can offer you any other script in our portfolio that you might be interested in as an alternative to this, do let me know if you'd like any one and I'll send that over to you.
ProvenLogic powered by Freshdesk 219
ProvenLogic <*******>
9/17/14to meHi Rudy,
Which email ID do you want me to send the download to?
On Wed, 17 Sep at 11:54 am, r2 <>
Hi Rudy,
Sorry you feel this way - you know that these are digital goods and the warranty we have mentioned is for 2 weeks as well.
But no worries, I can offer you any other script in our portfolio that you might be interested in as an alternative to this, do let me know if you'd like any one and I'll send that over to you.
On Tue, 16 Sep at 12:49 pm, r2 <> wrote: ProvenLogic powered by Freshdesk
R2 <>
9/17/14to ProvenLogicThis email address is fine. Thanks.
On Wed, Sep 17,2014 at 3:03 PM, ProvenLogic <*******> wrote:
Hi Rudy,
Which email ID do you want me to send the download to?
On Wed, 17 Sep at 11:54 am, r2 <> wrote: I will take the Uber for doctors then.
On Tue, Sep 16,2014 at 9:27 AM, ProvenLogic <*******> wrote:
Hi Rudy,
Sorry you feel this way - you know that these are digital goods and the warranty we have mentioned is for 2 weeks as well.
But no worries, I can offer you any other script in our portfolio that you might be interested in as an alternative to this, do let me know if you'd like any one and I'll send that over to you.
On Tue, 16 Sep at 12:49 pm, r2
Since you offer an unconditional moneyback guarantee, we would like to go ahead and take you up on that. We have not been able to make any use of your system.
We have deleted it from our servers, Please confirm or we will take it up with paypal ourselves in 48 hours.
RudyProvenLogic powered by Freshdesk
ProvenLogic powered by Freshdesk 219
R2 <>
10/12/14to ProvenLogicAfter nearly one month you have sent me the TINDR app yet again, please send the UBER iOS and Desktop for doctors. Please stop jerking me around.
Feb 12 (5 days ago)to ProvenLogic
It;'s been 9 months, please send me the UBER script for mobile as you had promised. Thanks
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Added note: Just saw the recent 5 star review from Benjamin. Haha, how pathetic. Benjamin is one of the people who will chat with you when you come to their site and hustle you to buy. That review totally looks like it was written by the company that runs this scam. So pathetic. If they are so great, where are their good reviews? They already have two bad ones.