I have rented from Getaround 54 times to try and be an Uber Driver. My decision to drive with Uber was brought on by my wife being laid off at her job. I have 3 small kids at home and as such drove most consistently between the hrs of midnight - 8 am because 1. My kids are sleeping and 2. Those are the most consistent earning hours with Uber.
I started right after Thanksgiving on Nov. 26th and in 5 days had already spent $206.46 on rentals while only earning $496.64 from Uber. PLEASE do not be fooled it sounds like I made $200ish right WRONG! Every rental you have to fill back up, so there's that cost. The nearest rental to me is 20 miles away so there's gas to get there and back. Then there was usually a snack, cause you're driving. By time you add these figures in I actually only made less than $50 for 20 hrs and 26 mins of working.
DECEMBER I spent $2,066.52 on rentals
JANUARY $1,175.74
MOST nights I only actually made $12-20 by time you figured out all the expenses.
Getaround has a fuel reading system that is NEVER accurate and yet they charge you instantly for any gas discrepancy and then YOU have to call, argue, prove that the gas was filled and then wait 7-10 days for the refund. NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION explained to me that Getaround could just cancel their charge and it would immediately be dropped BUT because GA CHOOSES to enter a charge and then issue a refund that's why it takes the 7-10 days. They explained companies like GA do this so they can report hirer earnings to their shareholders because they can show charges without having to reveal the refunds but if its a cancelled charge they can't pad their revenue numbers.
I have been made to stand on the side of the road 4/5 times where the rental NEVER showed up. After almost EVERY driving shift I would have to call and argue about the gas fees. I had a nail in a tire get picked up off the highway and when I reported the problem they told me first the Owner was going to be getting the car and could take me to my vehicle at the rentals original pick-up & drop-off location, 3 hrs later at 6 am in 40 degree weather they told me the Owner refused to pick the vehicle up and assured me they would charge the $245 fee to the Owner and they gave me $120 credit for the inconvenience. Now 1 month later they sent me a $245 invoice for the tow truck, they refused to send a copy of a towing invoice, they refused to let me have a mechanic look at the car and verify the tire damage was normal wear and tare, They did not supply a copy of an inspection report by an ASE Certified mechanic instead they let the Owners take the car to whatever mechanic they want then take the Owners word for it at the cost of the driver, they refused to review their recorded calls to verify I was told the Owner would be responsible for the tow fee, they sent me their invoice at 8 pm and blocked me from renting til I pay it so they took a night I planned on driving and destroyed it.
THE ONLY reason I continued renting was I wanted my earnings with Uber to remain high so I could qualify for a new loan on a 2015 or newer vehicle. Our family Ford Edge is a 2013, so although it is a great vehicle, I have been unable to use it for Uber and was forced into the rental hell.
EVERY time GA told me they would call about a problem, they NEVER DID.
GA DOES NOT have in-house service representatives, they hire a 3rd party call center so they can obfuscate and put so many steps between you and them. They do not have a management on site so they will always tell you they'll call in 24 hrs but they DO NOT.
I believe GA is using illegal advertising practices and have a call in with the Arizona Bar to find an attorney who will look to sue. They advertise rentals like a Chevy Equinox for starting at $3/hr or $49/day HOWEVER this fee structure is IMPOSSIBLE TO GET TO. Out of 54 rentals I never had 1 for 24 hrs and yet every single rental was well over the $49. I used to manage a car dealership and I know we were held to advertising laws and if we said there was a car that a customer could get starting at say 0 down $299/mo for 48 mos YOU HAVE TO have a real vehicle with the sku # on the ad of that real vehicle that can be sold at that price. There is LITERALLY no way to get to any starting-at price they advertise.
So to recap:
You can be made to stand around for hrs and still not get your rental which at that point you lose an earning day and the money was already taken from your account and will be tied up for 7-10 days.
They instantly charge for missing gas even if they are way off and you prove it. They take that money instantly then take, again, 7-10 days to return it.
They only use 3rd Party customer representatives so you get hung up on ALL the time and they just stick to a script and DO NOT CARE about you.
You cannot get help from 10 pm to 4 am even though your rental may start between those hours, so if your rental isn't there, which happens too much, you're just outta luck and have to wait to get help. DO NOT CANCEL the rental because if you do they will argue you had the rental and will try not to refund you, MAKE THEM cancel the rental on their end and message the Owner of the vehicle in the app.
If you get a flat tire they will force you to pay $245 for towing, the highest rate even though GA does not tow vehicles. Even then they will leave you stranded and tell you "I understand how that is upsetting to you..." They literally will lock you out of the car, not offer an Uber or any way to get to your car, so I had to spend $32 on an Uber to get back to my vehicle. They will issue credits and say you are not liable then refuse to acknowledge those facts or listen to their recorded calls and try and charge you at 8 pm well after business hours so if you wanted to drive you have to pay their junk fee.
I truly believe their algorithm works in tandem with Ubers surges and rates because there is no set hourly fee. One time they charged me $20.54/hr to extend from 6 am - 7 am and because you've already paid so much you usually HAVE to drive 8 hrs+ in order to make any take home money and even then if it's not a great night you could end up losing money and working all the hrs.
YOU CANNOT pay your rent and survive on the UBER - Getaround Rental Program it is IMPOSSIBLE.
I uploaded images proving the expenses of rentals the flat tire and images proving the car was parked safe and not involved in an accident. I attached 2 following rental invoices after the flat tire showing they gave me $120 in credits and which should lend validity to my recollection of being told the Owner would also be charged the $245 tow fee and the credit was for being left in the cold 3 hrs.
I have never spent so much money, made so little back and been made to feel so angry throughout the entire experience. WORST COMPANY will be happy if they end up like Blockbuster.
54 different rentals for the purpose of driving Uber like the App requires renters to be.