13 reviews for Glassdoor are not recommended
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3 reviews
4 helpful votes

I can't believe 54million people a month waste their time on this site!
June 2, 2022

They don't post salaries for jobs nor do they require it. They post their glassdoor estimated salary for the job which turns out to be totally wrong if you then go and search salaries under the employers business profile. How about you require the salary paid by the employer for the job and post it along with the job description. Talking about job descriptions... limit the length of these descriptions! Some of them are short books. This I will guess is the fault of "the need to accurately describe the job functions & duties" as directed by the glassdoor rep onboarding the employer. These "short story" length job descriptions might be necessary for the numerous ATS scrubbing software so they are more likely to eliminate the "wrong" people and look at the "right" people. These ATS systems are starting to be recognized as ineffective thank goodness and I hope this thinking trend continues to grow. Why did we ever need ATS scrubbing in the first place. These massive job boards have caused it. They have created such an overload of 100s and 1000s of resumes received by employers for a single job that they had to create something to try and tame the monster they have created.
This is the truth... employers can't find suitable employees & employees can't find suitable jobs.
But this applies to them all and each job board is just another bad iteration of the same fairly good idea.
Glass door can hire me and I will be glad to remodel their product to where they rise above all others and actually successfully connect applicants and employers.
Meanwhile you could start by:
Limit the length of the job description. I want to be able to scan it in 15-20 seconds like they do with my resume and cover letter!
List company, industry, service or product for example:

Enterprise Sales Account Executive
Primitive Industries LLC,
We sell 5 iterations of software which provides the same service as 1000s of other companies,
Founded 2018-
Qualifications at least 8 years of Saas sales
Compensation $$$$
Job description with keywords and buzz words used by the ATS scrubbers and leave all the rest out.
A job can be described in one short paragraph.
I mean we all know what the job duties are for the most part!
Enterprise sales, corporate clients $2M deal size, $10M annual quota
BDR team, pre- sales engineers, customer onboarding team, customer success team
Consulting, client need assessment, collaboration with IT, proposal creation,
Client location presentations,
Requires domestic air travel
Bull$#*!ting and goofing off

LOL but you get the picture. Short and simple.

Products used:

this isn't applicable

Date of experience: June 2, 2022