I can't say for sure what is going on with the products Gokeyless has sent me but there is no way a legitimate manufacturing business could stay in business with the 50% failure rate I have experienced with 10 (TEN) Trilogy DL1300 locks. I paid $501.60 for each lock. 50% failure rate!
I have had locks that want hold their memory, locks that want lock and locks that want open. The biggest problem is sometimes the key will not override the problem and the lock cannot be locked period.
Now after the fifth lock, Matt in the support department said there is nothing more that Gokeyless can do. That comment came after the following events occurred over the last couple of months. Another lock stops working and I call into Matt. He said it was out of warranty but he would put in a replacement request because I had experienced so many failures. After a couple of weeks they OK sending a replacement lock to me. I received the lock, executed the programming and installed it on the door. 2 days later it dropped its memory. Yes, the replacement lock was now not functioning. I took the lock back off and Matt had me do a complete cold start (you have to open up the lock and get to the board so you can connect a jumper while programming). Still would not hold its memory so Matt requests another replacement for the initial replacement. This is where the wheels fall off the wagon. Instead of sending me another replacement DL1300 to replace the failed replacement the company sent a completely different product. It wasn't even a lock. Called Matt back again and I sent the incorrect product back. Weeks go by and I still did not receive the replacement for the replacement. After complaining I finally received the replacement replacement. Programmed it and installed it. One day later the replacements replacement dropped its memory. So after having another failure, receiving a bad replacement, then receiving an incorrect product and then getting a second bad replacementMatt states there is nothing more that Gokeyless can do.
Obviously there is something going on with the products. Refurbished? I don't know but I will never order from Gokeyless again and I will try to warn others of my experience.
To send me two bad replacements and one incorrect product and then state "there is nothing further we can do" is pitiful. You can't replace a bad product with another bad product twice and then say "sorry, you will have to buy a new one".
Gokeyless defiantly has its problems. As far as the DL1300's, I don't know if I got a bad batch, received a bunch of refurbished products from Gokeyless or what but I hope anyone that reads this will go elsewhere for their purchase.
Go elsewhere unless current management changes. For now it has turned into one of those internet companies we all fear where they are good at the sale but Lord help you if you have problems with the product and is almost and most times impossible to get someone on the phone.