Along with just about everyone - I really really really hate these companies that get your bank details so they can stick their hands in whenever they like - and they market themselves as giving you the option to try them - BEFORE you make any commitment. I speak for everyone I have ever met and discussed this principle - or lack of - with.
Giving one's bank details - ie access to personal funds - generally hard earned and honestly earned in decent humans' books - in return for a bunch of snacks is not a 'free trial or a free box or a free anything'; it is precisely the antithesis of 'free'. Your wording should say ' give us access to your bank - unlimited - and we will chuck some nuts your way - IF you're lucky'... (According to some reviews if it does land, it's an erratic and random and not even particularly nice experience if you do get them... for many they don't even deliver yet they remove funds...)
I even read one that said Graze had managed to procure funds from an account from a person who had never even signed up.
Does that not say it ALL. With cherries on the top?
This lot need to come with a massive warning, closed down maybe...
The best review I read said nothing of what the stuff actually tastes like; if you read the reviews they generally focus on the haphazard and useless service, no phone lines, erratic funds withdrawn, alarming scammers basically.
If you're going to offer a free box - then give the customer what you say you are giving - on the advertising. Give them a free box to taste - and then - and only then ask them if they wish to set up a free for all access to their bank accounts.
I can't be bothered to go to Trading Standards yet - but will do soon I think. This lot have to be a US company, stooping this low to trick and deceive...
What is should say loud and clear is -'greedy multinational corp in the making yet we act like one already - we're gonna stick our big greedy hands into your account and you'll be begging and screaming and dying of frustration trying to cancel your sub - (oh sorry did we forget to mention TOO that we're a subscription service you can never get away from and we don't do phone or customer service) - in return for a box of quasi-healthy stuff you'd probably never go near if we hadn't lured you in by this total scam'. That's a bit wordy - maybe they should just shut down but before they do that - spend a lot of time reimbursing people: not just the people who they did rip off - but all the people who spend their precious time reading the 'free box' nonsense - and who then spend more time going on to their website to claim their 'free' box. Yes - even those of us who thankfully were spared the sleepless nights of this lot having access to your account - even we are concerned that companies who lure in customers via subscription services - are in existence! It's called having a basic moral compass and no dollar signs in your eyes.
And the marketing. The number of trees this company must have chopped down. Years now - it's been - that those annoying coupons fall out... Of every magazine and envelope - out they fall...
Eighteen months ago, I decided to finally give in to my intense adoration of snacks. I had heard several intriguing ads for a snack delivery service called Graze. They promised pre-packaged personalized snacks delivered to my door, giving me the choice of receiving my eight pack twice weekly, weekly, or biweekly. I eagerly headed over to the Graze website. Using their intuitive preference catalog, I provided information on my allergies, food preferences, and location, and in a few weeks, I ecstatically opened my first box of snacks. My experience with Graze has been primarily positive because of the high-quality snacks and packaging, but I found that their customer service was lacking.
Graze offers a wide variety of snacks, and their website includes a ranking system where you can provide feedback on each snack you receive. They then tailor your next batch of snacks accordingly. I was extremely impressed with the quality of the snacks offered, and every box contained a variety of colors, flavors, and textures, so I never got bored. They offer unique flavor combinations that I have never enjoyed anywhere else, such as vanilla infused pumpkin seeds and siracha coated edamame. Plus, Graze never adds corn syrup or artificial colors.
I was also extremely impressed with Graze packaging. The cardboard and plastic packaging used was responsible and convenient. All of their packaging is recyclable, and the individual snacks come in pre-portioned packages that are sealed so you can take them anywhere. The box that the snacks come in is durable and my snacks have never arrived damaged. The boxes even fit in banks of mailboxes so you won't have to pick them up at the post office. Graze packaging is a major pro.
Sadly though, if you are imagining a utopian snacking future, you may be disappointed. I have read other reviews of Graze that are not so complementary. Some reviewers say that all the snacks were disgusting, that Graze's promise of healthy snacks is unjustified, and even that the whole establishment is a scam. I can confidently say that Graze is not a scam, because of the quality and dependability of their service. It's true that some Graze snacks include ingredients like golden syrup and cane sugar but, on average, Graze snacks are far healthier and include more variety than mainstream snacking options such as candy bars or chips. As for Graze snacks being disgusting, that is a matter of personal taste, but I can say that Graze offers such a variety of flavors, ingredients, and textures that it would be difficult to dislike all of the available snacks.
Although I believe their snacks and packaging shine, their delivery time could be improved. Their website provides a delivery time estimate, but if they say that your box will be delivered the week of October 14th (a Sunday), it will almost definitely be delivered on the very last day possible, usually that Friday or Saturday, which makes biweekly deliveries more like every three weeks. Also, when I tried to snooze my box (pause deliveries for a specified time), the schedule got confused and my boxes arrived at the wrong times. However, many of the spotty delivery problems could be attributed to the USPS rather than Graze.
My biggest frustration with Graze is their recent halt in delivery. They notified me about two months ago that they would shortly be stopping deliveries in my area (Castle Rock, Colorado), because they were expanding to more in-store products and eliminating many subscription delivery areas. They did not offer any kind of compensation in the form of coupons for the new in-store snacks or anything of that kind. They told me that any boxes that were scheduled to come before September second would still arrive, and then deliveries would be terminated. Two boxes were scheduled to arrive by that date, but a few weeks later they informed me that my last box would not be coming, again without offering any kind of compensation. They still advertise delivery but, when I created a test account to see if I could find an area they are still delivering, they said they were unable to send deliveries to every city I tried including major cities across America ( Overall, the tail end of their customer service was highly unsatisfactory.
If you are wondering whether a Graze subscription is worth the investment, I say yes because of the amazing quality of the snacks and the responsible, convenient packaging. However, as Graze expands to stores, they may stop delivering in your area! Be careful; you may fall in love and then be disappointed. I would give the Graze snack delivery service four stars and my cautious recommendation.
I was very excited when I found this company. I love entrepreneurial businesses. The draw of this product is home delivery, portion control, convenience and some unique and healthy snack options. The products come in 6-8 single serving packs. I took advantage of an introductory offer and got 4 of the top selling snacks. I was sold on the convenience of the single seve package that I could grab and throw in my gym bag, the high protein content of the snacks and the unique flavors. I planned to subscribe for monthly delivery and spent a good bit of time filling out my customer profile. I was even going to send a couple of gift subscriptions to friends. Before officially subscribing I decided to redeem some half price offers provided to me after my first order so that I could test drive the shipping speed as well as taste a few additional snack options. It took 8 days for the second order to arrive and unfortunately part of my order was excluded. Of the items received only one was what I ordered. Two of the items actually included things that I had identified in my profile to be excluded from my orders. I contacted CS and on my second attempt I received a response. I was told that I got what I ordered, that the items pictured in the bundles I ordered were different than what I "really" ordered and that they had a disclaimer that said they teserve the right to substitute. I responded that I understand substitutions but they were items listed as unwanted in my profile. The CSR noted that they didn't use the profile for non subscription orders. I replied asking why they posted pictures of things that weren't included in the bundles I was ordering and if they are substituting they should make the effort to look at my profile. She repeated what she had stated in her first response but added as a gesture of good faith they would reimburse me for the item that I paid for and didn't receive even a substitution for. Good faith? Isn't that just fair? Since discovering the company I have also seen their items at the grocery, some even on the clearance shelf. They have a few good products but of the eight I have now tried, five are underwhelming. With the monthly subscription you get about 8-10 oz of food for $14 and they use far too much packaging. I can go to Whole Foods and create my own organic snack mixes for $8-10 a pound (16 oz) and I am not left with a bin full of cellophane and paper packaging. If you buy the bundles like I did you run the risk of getting things you didn't order. I wouldn't dare take a chance on a subscription because they probably push the items that are less popular. I think the concept has potential because many of the snacks are low sugar, limited ingredients and they include cards that list the ingredients and nutrition info, but they could actually put this info on the website. I recommend revising the app to make bundle contents more clear and don't put pictures of things not actually included in said bundle. Ask the customer to select a second choice in the event there is a need for substitution and rethink your packing. Also consider sending a sample of new products to subscription customers in addition to their regular order and allow them to provide feedback before actually launching the product. That way you don't get stuck with a high volume of snacks that you have to use as "substitutions" instead of sending people what they really want all so you can capture your ROI. Most importantly, customer service is everything! Mistakes happen but if you take responsibility, offer consolation and fix the issues it can turn any situation around. Young businesses have issues but listening to your customers and making them feel valued will encourage them to give you a second chance, share their positive experience and ultimately lead to business growth. I felt the CSR was dismissive and even after admitting the items pictured were not what was actually ordered made it sound like my fault. There was clearly no interest in me as a consumer. In fact she closed her correspondence telling me that if I have allergies they would rather I not order from them. Isn't that the point of completing the profile? Why advertise customization if it's not an option? Not to worry, I won't be ordering again and I shared my story as well as the not so tasty snacks with my coworkers. They agreed the concept has potential but after hearing about my negative experience wont be ordering either. Customer experience is everything.
Small portions, no flavor, dry as sawdust, and a constant barrage of emails to get you back as a paying fool, offering the same flotsam and jetsam. needs to take a hint, and vie for a contract with prisons, worldwide, focusing on supplying death row prisoners. I guarantee the prisoners will beg to be executed, asap, saving billions in taxpayer money. If I cared enough, the length of this critique would go on for several chapters... but I don't. As anan addedadded ccriticismcriticism, grazegraze hashas caucaused theirtheir negative commecommenterscommenters to experieexperienceexperience thethe very thingthing youreyoure trying to read. I have had to useuse bacbackspacebackspace delete and spespellspell-spell-checkspell-check, aad nanauseumnauseum. YoYou suck, grazegraze
I placed a message shortly after my $1 order to cancel. I cannot find any proof of such. No record due to it being placed on their website. I searched all day yesterday unaware that I had any deadline. I have been on this website to see if I could find something that would help me to decide whether or not to proceed with my cancellation or keep. I was sent in so many different circles that my frustration with your company is at my wits end! I feel that lack of ability to have phone communication with a person to ask questions to help navigate this absurd website designed to hinder and confuse your customers is unconscionable.
Customer service to me is paramount! Now because of not having the ability to speak to anyone I am being charged for another shipment that is not yet packed. I view my box on my account page and it had nothing added. This proves that my box was either not yet made or not completed and could be canceled without causing the company any difficulty. The only difficulty is the customers that they refuse to accommodate. Yet I cannot cancel. This is a hardship to my budget especially when I am charged for a subscription, I was unaware I had to factor into a budget. I looked for a way to call due to the confusing website only to find a note stating no phone calls. Emails only! I finally was able to locate where I could delete boxes, but No confirmation.
I decided to go onto the website and look up customer reviews. Very interesting, there were many people who had the same problem.
What wasn't a surprise was the same generic response from the company.
My favorite being,
"I'm very sorry to hear that you've had a hard time canceling your subscription. This can be done online (you can find instructions in our FAQs), or by dropping us a quick email to ******* and we're always happy to help."
"I'm very sorry to hear that you've had a hard time canceling your subscription. This can be done online (you can find instructions in our FAQs), or by dropping us a quick email to ******* and we're always happy to help".
Now they tell you that their policy is on their order page; however, if you hear about this GREAT DEAL via a 3rd party then the last thing that you are exposed to is the limitations you have.
One of the most irritating notes I found was this one; "Orders placed from the graze shop are confirmed during the checkout process, and we aren't able to accept returns. We do mention this in the FAQ section of our website."
I was online attempting to sign up for Secret Shopper and one of the things I had to do is answer a series of questions. Those questions took me to a webpage in which I Had to subscribe to low-cost special deals. I subscribe with books and graze snacks. I contacted both the next day to cancel recurring orders. The books gave me a confirmation, but the graze did not. Weeks later a box, 2 weeks later another box and full charges.
As a result, I will not consider being revisiting any options to remain a customer.
I like how the orders are shipped and the variety of the combinations provided. Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
How do i stop shipments? Iajyd uuuuyyyttrr jjjjjjaaaa kkkkkk aaaa lll mmmm llll nnn bbcbcb uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk