I have been with Grove Collaborative for almost four years now and it was the best decision I ever made! At home, I use what is called the Sticky Pad Method. On my fridge, I have a notebook with a magnet where I write down items I run out of. As soon as I run out it goes on the list. While Grove does not sell food products, they do sell items that I use on a daily basis. The other day I realized I was running low on disinfectant spray cleaner and body wash, so I wrote those items down on the list, and then that night I put my order in through Grove. It's so nice that I don't have to run to different stores to shop for these items. It's all right here online from home. We end up saving money this way since we are less likely to spend more than we would be shopping in a store where we end up buying lots of wants rather than just needs. Grove also offers VIP shipping which you can read about below. We have the VIP membership, and honestly, from the time I would have to run to the store this pays for the gas expense and more. (this is great if you're a frequent buyer!) I have never had to pay for shipping any of my items since I'm VIP as long as what you buy is $10 or more which my orders always are. Also, you will receive emails throughout the year with VIP freebies. I have received free chapstick, body wash & loofa, glass spray bottle, free cleaner, etc by just being a VIP. If you have a VIP membership, Grove will also price match! Just simply send their customer service a picture of where the price of the product is cheaper, and they will match the price! I enjoy a variety of household and personal hygiene products, but there are certain brands that I want to make sure are safe for our home. I understand that not all brands Grove carry are 100% toxin-free but MANY of them are. Not only are they toxin-free but most of them are pet-friendly and haven't been tested on animals. To check to see if your products haven't been tested on animals you can look for the bunny logo like the one below that is on my Yesto. Tea Tree Oil & Sage Shampoo (from Grove of course!) Grove's products are all more natural than conventional brands. They have a customer service chat, and if you are a VIP member you also get assigned your own customer service representative. I am personally SO impressed with their customer service! Overall, I am just super impressed with this company and looking forward to more years with them and welcoming their products into my home!
Grove orders are customizable, they will autofill your cart with items they think you will be interested in or running low on (based on your previous orders). Then about 3-4 days before your shipment is scheduled, they will send you a reminder in your email letting you know a shipment is coming up. You can then easily log into your account, make any changes, delete anything unnecessary, and/or cancel that upcoming shipment with no charge. They will work with you! When I get a notification that a
Dish Soap, Laundry Detergent, Laundry Softener, Fabric Sheets, Hand Soap, Surface Cleaners, Wipes, Body Wash, Dish Scrubber, Essential Oil Roller, Sponges, Shampoo, and so much more!