Hands up to Sean Hannity for reporting the truth. As we all know, our world is in turmoil. The radical globalists, New World Order or One global government, sometimes aka democrats, are using all that they have in order to bring about One Government.
Soros is part of the organizing body of globalists. If you dont know who he is, here is a referendum, a petition that is being blocked by the Media and the computer Moguls, so that no one can sign on, but I posted it here because it elucidates why globalists support and cover up for crimes against humanity. Those crimes are not random, or because Satan is on the loose, even though I dont doubt he is.
Here are some of Soros activities (written by A CIA ex-operative who had been the advisor for 4 presidents and who was involved in the counter coup to allow president Trump to take office and prevented his assassination)
Crimes are being financed by politicians and organizations to break not only our country but the global economy, the social structure and the fiber of every nation that submits itself to globalism. All those crimes, so that they can bring One Government with an elite to govern the rest of us (Soros, Rothschild, Rockefellers etc.)
For the sake of space, I wont provide documentation about all that is said here because most of us understand what is at stake and what we are dealing with.
President Donald Trump is an obstacle to Globalism here in the US, but some dont know about this because they rely on the Media who is owned by the same globalists that are funding ISIS.
In the wake of the gossip about Russia to remove president Donald Trump from office ex-director Comey offers 15 million dollars, plus citizenship to a Check Slovakian individual (who refused the bribe and posted the story) to cover up for Seth Richs assassination.
Who is Seth Rich? A man that worked for Hillary Clinton, and being repulsed by the amount of corruption and assassinations committed by the Democrats in the campaign (aka globalists) leaked the emails to WikiLeaks.
Putin gave the name of the American leaker to clear their own name: Seth Rich, a hero. Seeing the level of criminality and corruption in the democratic party, he leaked the information to WikiLeaks, in turn, Obama removed all Russian Ambassadors and the assassination of Seth Rich was ordered. Comey, instead of protecting Seth Rich had him assassinated inside the hospital where he arrived already shot, but alive and according to the internist, Set Rich would unequivocally recover.
The internist was appalled by the swarm of police officers and FBI personnel stating that Seth was not to receive any more medical help, removing the doctor from the room, blocking the entrance and within a period, not specified by his post, when he, the physician was allowed to come back was only to find Seth Rich dead.
Soros funded Media Matters dot com http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2017/01/27/soros-funded-media-matters-secretly-plotting-stop-breitbart-news/
Now seeking to destroy journalist Sean Hannity for asking for an investigation of Seth Richs' death, Soros and his goons had Sean Hannity fired, well millions of tweets and Facebook posts got him back on Fox News.
Where do you fit on the scheme of things? You can contact your representative and ask for this investigation of Seth's assassination http://www.house.gov/representatives/find/
Thank you for your time and courtesy reading this long note. Together we can save our country. Please let every one within your range to know the truth because only the Truth will set us free. Thank you again.
FEEDBACK: You've made it. Congress is going to investigate the death of Rich Seth and Fox News is re-hiriong Sean Hannity. Isn't good to know that our opinion matters and that together we can defeat the deadly spread of globalism and save ourselves and our country? Thank you to all who contacted your senators and congressman to ask for this investigation of Hillary's employeed that was assassinated after he was found to be the one leaking the information to Wikileaks (that is right, the Russians had nothing to do with that, matter of fact, they laughed it off in their newspapers recomending people to do anyting they want with the American newspapers, except reading it. I want to celebrate the good news with you. Congress started the investigatino and an honest reporter was re-hired.