1 review for Hanzo is not recommended
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1 review
6 helpful votes

Do not recommend - Awful customer service
January 14, 2020

Unfortunately, my experience with Hanzo has been very disappointing. We've been using them since 2014 & like everyone else, have spend thousands of dollars. As a small business owner & wanting the best for our clients & barbers, each & everyone one of my five barbers has a pair of Hanzos. Between everyone in the shop, we have spent over $10,000 total! The shears themself are great, the customer service & sales reps are not. We've constantly had issues with billing, withdrawing money when they are not supposed to (overdraft fees included), asked to change the monthly auth withdrawl date (not done), waiting forever to get shears back from the sharpening service, paying cash to get shears sharpened. Then them charging our account even though we already paid, the list goes on. It's very disappointing when you pay so much money to invest in your craft, when this company just can't seem to get it together, even with simple tasks. The only option to pay is automatic withdrawl, this typically isn't an issue if they would get it together & take out money when they say they are going to take it out. I contacted my rep to change my auto date (from the 13th to the 15th of the month) a week before the scheduled date. He said it was taken care of & everything was good. I get an email stating my payment was not able to be processed (today is the 13th), even though the date should have been the 15th. Apparently it was never done! This is so aggravating, you ask for one simple task & it doesn't get done. At this point, I DO NOT want to be associated with Hanzo taking anything from my account, unless I agree, but again I don't even have an option. Spoke with the customer service rep today, she deterred me from paying the "one time option" because she stated, they've been having a lot of glitches in the system where, "sometimes the money will come out twice." Get it together Hanzo or at least act like you care! Your product is amazing, but you need to train your staff & have a better system in play for billing & customer service. It's unacceptable your clients are paying this much money to be treated this way. At this point, this is the only way to hold Hanzo accountable. Please do your research before choosing this company. I highly recommend you spend your hard earned money somewhere else, where you'll be treated like you've spent thousands of dollars & not a few bucks.

Date of experience: January 14, 2020