Worst company EVER! EVER! I purchased a $1,900+ Shufflboard for my employees to enjoy at work. It was supposed to ship within just a few days but after nearly three weeks of delays, they finally placed it in "backorder" status. So I cancelled the order with them over the phone. They assured me it was cancelled. I then located nearly the same exact Shuffleboard on Walmart.com that same day and ordered it. Three days later, I get a phone call from Pilot Air Freight saying that they had an order from Hayneedle to deliver. I refused it and called Hayneedle asking what the hell was going on. They told me that the order had not been cancelled and had instead shipped. I informed them that I already had purchased another one based on their assurance that my order was cancelled. They then told me what I should do is just ship it back once it was delivered... huh? I then told them it was their damn problem and that I wasn't even letting it in the door. Fast forward one week... I get another phone call from another freight company saying they had a shuffleboad from Hayneedle to deliver. Huh? I said, I already told Pilot Freight that I was refusing it. This company was not Pilot Freight, but said they had never heard of this before. So I verified the order was originating from Hayneedle. Yes. I then asked them if, by chance, it was actually coming from Walmart? Anywhere on you paperwork does it mention Walmart? No. I said, "Are you sure?" And the freight company assured me it was from Hayneedle. So I refused it. Ten minutes later I look up my Walmart order in my email. It reads: Walmart and fullfilled by a company called Plumstruck." After a Google search, guess who owns Plumstruck. Freaking Hayneedle. What a freaking mess. Hayneedle. Plumstruck. And f Walmart too, while we're at it. Worst company on Planet Earth. And I've yet to receive a refund yet for the two shuffleboards and that was more than two weeks ago now. Scumbags.