1 review for Hercules Moving Company is not recommended
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1 review
5 helpful votes

Long Distance Move
August 2, 2017

Updated Review:

Please see the events as listed prior in the original review. Hercules moving company attempted to threaten me with calling the police regarding their error. I had already contacted legal counsel and the police regarding this matter. Hercules used threats and intimidation to attempt get me to agree to their demands. I informed the police that this was a civil matter and that the company currently owed me over $8,000 as they had double charged me for my move and in 20 days had not refunded me this amount. The friendly police officer indicated that he did not know this and that yes of course this was not a police matter.

The company called to inform me that they had decided to charge me with theft for their potential error. I indicated that this would be fine. Realizing that this would cost the company thousands of dollars with the likely potential of also being charged for my legal fees as well as being charged with harassment - the company later called me to indicate that they had changed their mind and would pay me the $225 for my time.

See copy and pasted emails below that I received from the company.


This email is to confirm that we will be sending you $225 via etransfer for your services rendered today.:)

I originally wrote:

Hi. Just send me a quick email that you are paying 225 by e transfer so I am let the movers get on with their afternoon.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 29,2017, at 9:30 AM, Hercules Moving Company


This email is to confirm that Igor has refunded the FULL amount of your balance owing of $7,692.50 + 4% processing fee for a GRAND TOTAL of $8000. 20. This refund was processed on Monday, July 24 at approximately 1 pm.

Should you have any questions you can call me directly *******444. Thank you for your cooperation.
Kindest Regards,:)

Hercules Moving Company

Residential | Commercial | Piano Moving Services

As of today August 20th I have not received the $225 or the refund of $8,000 from the company (since July 12,2017). I spoke with the company individual today and this individual indicated that they did not know that the company had not planned on sending the e-transfer of funds of $225 when this individual had indicated that the company would honour this transaction.

I have currently filed with small claims court a petition for the interest charges on my credit card for the period from July 12th to present, the $8,000 over charge, and the $225 for my time. In addition I have also filed for damages for harassment.

The company again threatened me and indicated that they would pay only if I would take the negative reviews off of their sites. They also indicated that they would file a claim to have the review revoked. They indicated that if I did not agree to their terms that they would not pay.

I have also filed a claim with the Better Business Bureau. In addition I will be filing a fraud claim with the Canada Revenue Agency. They are also in violation of double charging GST for the transaction.

At no point has Hercules provided an attempt to resolve THEIR error but has resorted to threats, intimidation and harassment. Please decide if you would like to do business with this company.

Original Review:

While comparing the quotes against other companies Hercules did not indicate that they did not take cheques, and would charge a 4% fee if a credit card was used. Noting that they preferred electronic email transfer (not generally a business transaction) and these types of transactions are cap out at $3,000 per day - so three transfers over three days would be required. This 4% additional charge was not mentioned at the time of the quote and we would have chose a different company for our move based on the increased cost and unprofessionalism. Credit card charges are a cost of doing businesses not a consumer cost. If it is going to be charged then this needs to be disclosed. The inconvenience and unprofessionalism of expecting a client to make three e-transfer to pay for a business transaction would alone of had me choose a different company.

Our furniture was to arrive between the 30th and the 3rd and Hercules was to call at least 48 hours in advance to let us know. The furniture arrived on the 5th and they call the evening prior to let us know that it was to arrive the following morning. This was not the agreed on 48 hours which left little time to organize for the following day which was a work day. I organized another individual to look after the move of the furniture into a storage unit as I was working. I work as a CFO and the following day I received 7 separate phone calls from Hercules as they were completely disorganized and changing their status plan all while I was pulled out of meeting to attend to these calls.

Two weeks later I receive a call from Hercules that they left another clients possession in my storage unit. I referred to the listing kept by the individual who had tracked the items put into the storage unit for what they were inquiring about. This item was not included on the listing. Hercules insured me absolutely that it was in my storage unit.

My storage unit is open Monday - Friday between 9-5 when I am working and on Saturday's between 9-5. I kayak on Saturday's with a group leaving at 7:30 am which means that I would have to miss a Saturday to attend to this. I am also a CFO of a Corporation with a significant charge out rate. I agreed with Hercules to meet them on a Saturday and that they would have to pay for a minimum of 2 hours of my time at $125/hr. And that if it took additional time above the two hours that this would accrue at an additional $125 per hour.

This is the email message (copy and paste) that I sent to Hercules and their response. Please note that the company did and their response. Please note that the company did not respond to myself but directly contacted my husband instead. I simply requested to be paid for my time at my rate as a professional and they considered this to be a non legally sensible manner in which to respond and they threatened to call the police. I simply require to be paid for my time as they are required to be paid for their time.

Hercules Response (copy and paste)
We apologize if we have reached you at an innoportunate.

We would like to get some clarification in regards to this situation.

As explained below (below inside this forwarded email) to your spouse, you are in possession of an another client's personal belongings that have been misplaced in your storage unit. We were trying to resolve this issue without your involvement as we know that you are not currently present in the country. However we seem to be unable to find an amicable solution with your spouse.

If there anything that could be done please let us know.

It would be greatly appreciated if you can let us know how we can contract you via phone.

We are looking for amicable resolution and if you and your spouse are not willing to resolve this situation in a legally sensible manner, we will have no other choice but to contact the local police department.

Please let us know if you will have any question at Hercules Moving Toronto. Below you can find attached conversation in this forwarding e-mail.

Kindest Regards

Hercules Moving Team

My email to Hercules

I will be interesting to see if this is there as this individual does not miss stuff. The unit is open Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 9-12. I work during the week so it will need to be Saturday of next week at 10:00. You will be required to pay for my time at my standard charge out rate of $125/hour for a minimum of two hours payable in advance. Additional will accrue if it takes longer than 2 hours and this will be payable in cash at storage unit. Thank you.

Warmest Regards,

Please decide for yourself if you would like to deal with this company.

Date of experience: August 1, 2017
1 review for Hercules Moving Company is not recommended