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1 review
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I placed an order on Nov 26th 2010 for woven sewing...
March 1, 2011

I placed an order on Nov 26th 2010 for woven sewing labels with my name on them.
I called them as soon as the order went thru to tell them what name I wanted on the label since nothing came up on the site to say what I wanted.

3 dayl later they called me to ask what name I wanted on the labels. 1st sign of trouble. 3 days later they sent me an e-mail conf # saying I will be sent an e-mail when my order is sent out but it could take 2-4 weeks. Sign 2 the order was already one week old and they just gave me a order number.

After a month I never got my order and called to find out why, got the run around, we will have a Mgr call you back. One week later no labels no phone call! I called them Oh you will have them by the end of the week. One week later still nothing!
I called again we will have a MGR call you back. I told them I was not getting off untill I talked to someone. Oh we never sent the order out to have them made!
So on Jan 27th 2011 I was given another conf # and was told it would take 2-4 weeks! So one more month later I called I promise I will call you back today.
No return call (I have caller ID). So I called again we called you on friday no you didn't. I have caller Id and you NEVER called waht about today did we call you.
I did have one unlisted number who called and hung up on me that day. Well we cancelled your order! You what? I never told anyone to cancell anything!

Well then it was your address doesn't work. (new 911 address 7 years ago how much more direct can you get) What do you mean this is where the post office delivers my mail everyday, UPS comes once per month knows my kids by name ect. Fed Ex is here once per month too!

Then they said they sent my order out 2 times! I never got my promised e-mail to confirm it was sent out! So they lied again!

Stay way from this place unless you want a good fight. My order was Nov 26 2010 and as of March 1 2011 I have nothing but the fee they took out of my back account! They will lie over and over to you!

Date of experience: March 1, 2011