Hi all, This is not an actual ecommerce site, but a cheap wordpress frontpage for a scammer (or more likely a scammer ring).
A lot of $#*!ty ecommerce websites import cheap knockoffs from China and turn around and sell them at inflated costs, which is what I thought I was dealing with when ordering a necklace for my Patriarchy Ken costume (from the barbie movie). Nobody sells a one inch sterling silver necklace for $20, let's be real, figured it would be plastic or copper with chrome plate or something that could make the costume work.
What I wasn't counting on (stupid me) is that within 2 days they would be in my throwaway wayfair account ordering stupid $#*! from several states away because I was a dumbass who reused a password.
These scammer rings are pretty common, and it's likely a loose federation of people including contracted runners who pick up packages from random addresses where they ship stuff from your hacked accounts/credit card. Josh or Jeff or whoever is likely some low level street criminal with a record who gets a cut for manning the spoofed phones. He ain't real customer service and calling him isn't going to get you anywhere.
Here's what you do if you were as careless as I was (or desperate to be *Kenough on halloween)
1. Immediately lock your credit card and get them to reissue you a new one. Speak to the fraud department at your bank, report them for fraud, see if you can get the merchant blacklisted on their automatic denial list. Your bank's dispute process will most likely take 30 days and be a whole rigamarole. Be nice to your banks people, explain its a scam ring, and be patient in getting your money back.
2. Check whatever credentials you might have used on their website, and go change all of them if you reused any. Yes it's a pain. Yes you should technically track and audit all your passwords regularly and never reuse any. Yes most of us are lazy and don't do it. Just think of this as the best way to say thank you to these jerks. Watch all of your accounts for a bit, because guaranteed they'll try to hit everything they can.
3. Report them to godaddy - *******505 who is hosting their website. They'll probably turn around and reregister a new one, but this is the most likely to cause them any inconvenience and they'll be out the $30 domain registration fee.
4. Make a fraud report to the fbi https :// www.justice.gov/criminal-fraud/report-fraud#:~:text=General%20Fraud%20and%20Other%20Criminal,or%20tips.fbi.gov.
Do I think the FBI generally cares about $20 consumer fraud? Nope. Did it make me feel better? Yes. Do these scammers usually have connections to other organized crime which can get them actual jail time? Maybe; I'd like to think so.
Good luck and sorry you fell for the same thing I did :(