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2008 Honda Civic recalls... that they didn't tell us about. Okay, lied...
February 10, 2017

I recoiled from what I saw on my laptop screen, stunned. Saddened. Disappointed. All the emotions a person cycles through when they are betrayed by someone they trust.

I wanted to deny the validity of what I was reading and not be burdened with the truth. Yet there it was, detailed in endless harsh reviews.

The signs were visible, like the clearcoat chipping off the Honda's roof. I pointed this suspected problem out to someone who would be able to confirm or deny. However, my concerns were dismissed and the onus put squarely back on me.

"Its because you didn't clean off the bird $#*! in time," he said.

Eventually, the entire roof had shed its protective coating. I knew it would have taken a freaking pterodactyl sized creature to $#*! off that much clearcoat, but I didn't follow up. It couldn't have possibly been a known defect, right? They would have told me if there was a factory recall instead of my just being a victim a fecal assault?

But then last night happened.

I answered the phone to my daughter's panicked voice.

Daughter: "I need help! I'm trying to turn left on Red Bank and the steering wheel won't turn! HELP!"

Me: "Call the police, I'm on my way."

Daughter: "HELP!"

The phone disconnected. I grabbed my keys.

The police car's flashing lights guided me to exactly where on Red Bank the car's steering went out. Thankfully, she made it into the turn lane and was not stranded mid-turn, vulnerable to oncoming traffic. Thankfully, she was standing safely on the side of the road and not being extracted by the jaws of life or on the road covered with a sheet.

We were both a bit shaken, thankful that such a freak happening ended without injury.

But here's the thing: "Freak happening" my $#*!.

As it happens, the steering lock was caused by a cracked engine block - a known defect. There was a recall in 2010. And the clearcoat thing? Also, a recall. We were notified of neither even though we purchased the car as a Certified Used Car from a dealer and had returned multiple times to the same dealer for service.

Honda, you broke my heart. This was our third Honda purchase, which says a lot since we keep our cars for a long, long time. I trusted you. But you produced a sub-standard product and knowingly didn't do the right thing. Then, you endangered my child, which produces the deepest sense of disgust.

Never again.

Date of experience: February 10, 2017