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1 review
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Misrepresentation of Accommodation
April 27, 2024

Rented an apartment in Athens, Greece.
The advertisement showed the room as the following:

3 housemates (mixed)
Private room in apartment
Truly amazing 4 bedroom spacious flat
Private balcony

The 'apartment' was dirty, had broken amenities, but more importantly, was not an apartment, but a room within a hostel, where all other rooms made use of the shared facilities. The room itself was pretty dirty but not unbearable, but the hostel was loud and unhygienic. A thumping techno wakeup at 7am on a Wednesday morning was the final straw in my case.

My experience was a blatant misrepresentation which has now been backed up by Housinganywhere, as they have used their liberal cancellation policy to side with the advertiser - requesting I provide proof of the number of people in the accommodation (despite the violation of privacy regulations) in my one day on the property, only so that the advertiser's claim of '3 occupants' falls in line with the original advert.
Have had to start legal proceedings on this matter.

Housinganywhere have shown a complete disregard for truthful advertising and tenancy rights, and I would strongly advise against renting a property through them unless all possible due diligence has been conducted on the property you plan to stay in.

Including the following in anticipation of Housinganywhere response - as was done on another advisor site.

I did not say you were a real estate agency, but as a platform that 'claims to use online resources to research listings' to authenticate properties - it's evident in this case that you have failed to do so, hence my warning about due diligence.

I also addressed those terms directly to the advertiser who claimed it was not a hostel, when a few Google searches for the term 'Acropolis View Dream, Athens', shows it most certainly is - and I have messages on record which he explains 'it can get quite loud, I did see mosquitos' etc etc.

You apologize for the inconvenience, but an apology doesn't help me recover a month's worst of lost accommodation fees (which go to the misrepresentative advertiser), or the other fees and trouble I had to go to in order to find an alternative accommodation, hence the legal proceedings which I am discussing with your colleague, or trying to at least without response.

Go with Spotahome or AirBNB instead.

Tip for consumers:


Products used:

Accommodation services.

Date of experience: April 27, 2024