Have been using HR Block Business since 2003 when it was called TaxCut. This is the worst I have ever seen, and that's saying something since it has been regularly declining in the last few years. I use it to prepare a single business tax return for a Sub-S corp.
First, 10 days ago I called customer service. The person answering the phone, after about 15 minutes said I can't handle this problem, I will escalate and you will get a call back in 1-5 business days. Well, it's been quite a bit longer than that now, and no call.
I was using Windows 11. When I installed it under Windows 10 some of the problems went away so that I could continue working, which was not possible under Win 11.
Here are just some of the problems:
1. Under Windows 11, it would not import last year's return. Did this OK with W10.
2. Under Windows 11, it would no longer run after I asked it to load Pennsylvania and would crash every time I started it up. The crashes took all forms - sometimes with an error message with the log reporting different errors, sometimes it would just disappear and sometimes it would hang and I would have to kill it with Task Manager.
3. Under W10, the crashes are less frequent, but they still occur frequently when I go to print the return. After it crashes under either W10 or W11, it fails to start again until I reboot the computer.
4. There are numerous places where the interview doesn't request a value, but then later it reports the missing value as an error or warning in the review. I would expect the review to ask for every needed value.
5. The interview asks for distributions from accumulated earnings, but then puts the amount only on line 17c of K and not on line 16d. It then does not flow to line 7 on M-2.
6. I've run into several places where I needed to override the value because the right-click to find from where it is supposed to come either showed no source to choose from or did not show the correct source.
7. I've also run into several instances where the option to undo the override and restore the link is not available.
I've now finished the return, but I've had to do it 4 times because I was totally stuck (twice) or starting over was easier than trying to get the software to do it right, also twice.
In my 60 years of IT experience, I cannot recall ever encountering a worse piece of released software than this.