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Saved my 7yo MBP from early unwarranted demise
May 8, 2018

Due to heavy traveling (250+ flights per year), the only laptop surviving this ordeal is my trusty MBP from 2011. It's such a fine-tuned machine compared to all the other laptops I have owned and received during this time, that it stuck with me for my daily work. I heavily depend on it, and it barely ever fails. It has survived drops and falls from head high onto concrete, dog pee while working in a park, a toddler's attempt at improving his tactile functions, and angry TSA agents. Each time I get home, I smile at the pile of broken HP, DELL, and ASUS laptops lying in a corner waiting to be picked up by the company's IT support department.

I thought this machine be indestructible, and given the mandatory basic maintenance, like exchanging SSDs and the battery ever two years, adding proper 16GB of RAM and an occasional wet wipe to get the sand, dust and fingerprints off the screen, this machine just runs every day for 10+ hours, with millions of miles traveled.

Then, the unthinkable happened: the Wireless functionality stopped working.

It took me days wading through pointless and useless information offered by people in today's version of the Internet copying wrong information without proper knowledge about a subject until in a thread somewhere someone mentioned the possibility that the bloody Wireless cable could be broken.

Without a shadow of a doubt, I ordered it from iFixit.com (only the US store holds it for some reason), and after a 15min repair, my beloved MBP continues to be again a valuable daily asset in my professional life. I suspect it to work for another 2 years. And if it breaks, I have already bought (for $800 USD) a second-hand replacement MBP 2012 non-retina version, where self-maintenance is still possible at a very low TCO (around $250 USD per year on average over the past 7 years compared to 5 broken laptops averaging at an annual cost of $1800).

Many thanks to iFixit and their professional customer support. It's going to be the only place I look whenever I have an issue with my MBP.

Date of experience: May 8, 2018