9 reviews for IGXE are not recommended
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1 review
4 helpful votes

$#*! you
December 4, 2015

$#*! you

Date of experience: December 4, 2015
1 review
2 helpful votes

March 18, 2015

I purchased gold and the in game player asked for the money back because he forgot to screen shot it. Igxe tells me that i gave the gold back to someone else. HOW WOULD ANYONE ELSE KNOW I PURCHASED RECEIVED GOLD? The only people who knew i purchased and recived gold was IGXE. So i paid for 80k and they took back 50k. Im still due the 30k.
Hello Ivy:(03-19 00:30:00) Hi, this is Ivy. Welcome to our live chat. May I know what can I do for you? Ivy:(03-19 00:30:05) hi, how are you? You:(03-19 00:31:10) i ordered some gold and he some of it to me but asked for it back because he forgot to screen shot it Ivy:(03-19 00:31:33) oh, dear Ivy:(03-19 00:31:47) please do not do that as we will not do that, it maybe the cheater You:(03-19 00:31:52) was this right? You:(03-19 00:31:59) Failed to send msg: you cannot input empty message Ivy:(03-19 00:32:08) no, please do not do that, dear You:(03-19 00:32:10) it was the same person that gave it to me Ivy:(03-19 00:32:41) really? Ivy:(03-19 00:32:50) may I know your order ID and the name of the person? You:(03-19 00:34:16) #******* You:(03-19 00:34:50) sabsaz Ivy:(03-19 00:35:22) ok, hold on please, just wait for us if it is safe Ivy:(03-19 00:35:23) hold on please Ivy:(03-19 00:36:26) we have confirmed, our supplier has never asked the cutomer do that Ivy:(03-19 00:36:29) so please do not do that Ivy:(03-19 00:37:47) sadsaz is our supplier, not sabsaz! You:(03-19 00:39:57) really? Ivy:(03-19 00:40:29) yes, please remember: we will never do that You:(03-19 00:41:07) he is online now with me have sadsaz log in right now You:(03-19 00:41:09) Failed to send msg: you cannot input empty message You:(03-19 00:41:23) it seems to be the same player You:(03-19 00:42:25) how would this guy know i bought gold? You:(03-19 00:42:30) Failed to send msg: you cannot input empty message You:(03-19 00:42:38) this was not random You:(03-19 00:43:00) Ivy:(03-19 00:43:15) no, it is not the same person Failed to send msg: you cannot input empty message You:(03-19 00:43:18) i have my items in the auction house Ivy:(03-19 00:43:19) sadsaz is our supplier, not sabsaz! It is the letter "d" not "b" Ivy:(03-19 00:43:19) dear You:(03-19 00:43:45) so tell me how the other player knows i purchased gold? Ivy:(03-19 00:43:48) for your order, we have sent you 3m coins, for the rest 2 m, we will send it to you as soon as possible You:(03-19 00:44:10) buy my items in auction house You:(03-19 00:44:13) Failed to send msg: you cannot input empty message You:(03-19 00:44:35) i will not exchange money with character You:(03-19 00:44:42) Failed to send msg: you cannot input empty message You:(03-19 00:45:04) im still getting my full 80k correct? Ivy:(03-19 00:45:36) yes, dear, now you just need to wait for the last golds Ivy:(03-19 00:45:45) do not return the golds you got to anyone You:(03-19 00:45:56) so you know i recieved 0 gold so far correct? You:(03-19 00:46:02) Failed to send msg: you cannot input empty message You:(03-19 00:46:38) you will purchase the items i placed in the auction house? Ivy:(03-19 00:50:15) I am sorry, for your order we have sent you 50k You:(03-19 00:51:11) you owe me 80k You:(03-19 00:51:13) Failed to send msg: you cannot input empty message You:(03-19 00:51:38) tell me how this "other person" knew i bought gold? You:(03-19 00:51:50) can you explain that? Ivy:(03-19 00:52:39) I am sorry I do know, cheaters have their ways :( Ivy:(03-19 00:52:59) cheaters can hack accounts, you know :( You:(03-19 00:53:06) no you will have to do better than that Ivy:(03-19 00:53:20) for the 50k, could you please check your account, we send it to you face to face You:(03-19 00:53:35) your comany was the only person that knew i bought gold Ivy:(03-19 00:53:53) press "B" to check the 50k we send You:(03-19 00:54:29)? You:(03-19 00:55:25) You:(03-19 00:55:26) Ivy:(03-19 00:55:30) I mean you can press the key "B" to check the 50k golds we sent you Failed to send msg: you cannot input empty message Failed to send msg: you cannot input empty message You:(03-19 00:55:36) im due 80k You:(03-19 00:55:41) You:(03-19 00:56:08) if you have an employee that is stealing that is your problem Failed to send msg: you cannot input empty message You:(03-19 00:56:26) Failed to send msg: you cannot input empty message You:(03-19 00:56:46) my items are in the ah buy them Ivy:(03-19 00:56:49) dear, we do not have that employee, if we have found that, we will take operation, please trust us, ok? You:(03-19 00:56:59) You:(03-19 00:57:18) im not dumb Failed to send msg: you cannot input empty message You:(03-19 00:57:32) only you and i knew that i purchased gold You:(03-19 00:57:33) Failed to send msg: you cannot input empty message Ivy:(03-19 00:57:59) we will send you the pictures to show you we have sent you the golds Ivy:(03-19 00:58:02) hold on please You:(03-19 00:58:03) a random person is not going to know that i purchased gold and the exact amount that was paid Ivy send an image (03-19 00:59:13) click for full image You:(03-19 00:59:13) you cant even explain that Ivy send an image (03-19 00:59:36) click for full image You:(03-19 00:59:55) that shows nothing Ivy send an image (03-19 01:00:18) click for full image You:(03-19 01:01:08) how did sabsaz know the exact amount to ask back? You:(03-19 01:01:29) please explain Ivy:(03-19 01:02:02) may I know if you have return the golds to that cheater? Ivy:(03-19 01:03:29) dear, as I have explained, the chearter have the ability to hack your account Ivy:(03-19 01:03:42) so he knows the trade details in your account You:(03-19 01:06:07) who is giving me the gold? You:(03-19 01:06:16) exact players name Ivy send an image (03-19 01:06:23) click for full image Ivy:(03-19 01:06:38) that is the chat history in the game You:(03-19 01:07:27) what is the players name that is giving me the gold? Ivy:(03-19 01:07:53) could you please check the pictures I sent to see the player name? You:(03-19 01:08:19) no, you tell me the person in game who is going to be giving me gold Ivy:(03-19 01:09:41) we wil check it, hold on please Ivy:(03-19 01:10:08) sadsaz sent you ***** golds Ivy:(03-19 01:10:14) rthsas sent ***** You:(03-19 01:11:29) so who is noorvisha You:(03-19 01:11:41) You:(03-19 01:12:04) funny how sabsaz got off when sadsaz got on Failed to send msg: you cannot input empty message You:(03-19 01:12:25) Failed to send msg: you cannot input empty message You:(03-19 01:12:43) who is giving me the gold? Ivy:(03-19 01:13:05) dear, if we know how cheaters operates, then it will be no cheaters in the world Ivy:(03-19 01:13:44) I have just sent you the message, dear Ivy:(03-19 01:13:44) sadsaz sent you ***** golds and rthsas sent ***** You:(03-19 01:14:12) yea Einstein that does not = 80k Ivy:(03-19 01:15:18) you have not got the 50k we sent? You:(03-19 01:15:22) Failed to send msg: you cannot input empty message You:(03-19 01:15:38) i have received nothing! You:(03-19 01:15:44) 0 You:(03-19 01:15:47) zero You:(03-19 01:16:20) ripped off and now wasting my time Failed to send msg: The connection has been broken, please check your network Ivy:(03-19 01:16:45) have you checked your package? You:(03-19 01:16:50) Failed to send msg: you cannot input empty message You:(03-19 01:16:56) my mail? You:(03-19 01:17:16) what package? Failed to send msg: The connection has been broken, please check your network You:(03-19 01:18:39) hello Ivy:(03-19 01:19:39) yes? Please checke your bag to see the golds we sent You:(03-19 01:19:47) your employee has ripped me off for 50 k I am still due the 30k You:(03-19 01:19:58) there is nothing there You:(03-19 01:20:12) show me the screen shot! You:(03-19 01:20:22) 30 k You:(03-19 01:20:36) screen shots that total 80k Failed to send msg: The connection has been broken, please check your network the chat is moved to Jennifer Green chat transfer completed You:(03-19 01:21:17) hello Jennifer Green:(03-19 01:21:51) hu Jennifer Green:(03-19 01:21:57) hi You:(03-19 01:22:18) where is my gold? Jennifer Green:(03-19 01:22:29) one sec plz we will send you the screenshot here You:(03-19 01:22:46) i purchased 80k gold You:(03-19 01:22:48) You:(03-19 01:23:04) your epmoyees stole 50 k from me Failed to send msg: The connection has been broken, please check your network You:(03-19 01:23:15) im still due 30k You:(03-19 01:23:41) im posting all of this by the way Jennifer Green send an image (03-19 01:23:46) click for full image Jennifer Green send an image (03-19 01:24:15) click for full image Jennifer Green send an image (03-19 01:24:42) click for full image Failed to send msg: you cannot input empty message You:(03-19 01:25:55) what are you telling me? You:(03-19 01:26:07) are you saying you have paid me 80k in gold Failed to send msg: The connection has been broken, please check your network You:(03-19 01:26:50) ***** and ***** - 50,000 You:(03-19 01:27:27) your employee stole all of the 50,00 back Jennifer Green:(03-19 01:28:10) you mean you handed 50,000 back to our supplier? You:(03-19 01:28:23) yes You:(03-19 01:28:54) no one else knew i purchased gold he took back the 50,000 You:(03-19 01:29:20) he said he forgot to screen shot it You:(03-19 01:29:47) i have nothing and 2 hours of my time is wasted Jennifer Green:(03-19 01:30:00) may i know the reason why you handed 50,000 back to our supplier, since we get a reply that our supplier never ask for that You:(03-19 01:30:17) he said he forgot to screen shot it You:(03-19 01:30:29) he would get in trouble You:(03-19 01:30:33) Failed to send msg: you cannot input empty message You:(03-19 01:31:01) the last person in chat said it was a theif who took my mony Jennifer Green:(03-19 01:31:06) my colleague suggested that please dont give the gold back You:(03-19 01:31:28) could no texplain how anyone else but your company would know i purchased gold Jennifer Green:(03-19 01:31:42) which means you gave the gold back indeed to someone? You:(03-19 01:31:47) Failed to send msg: you cannot input empty message You:(03-19 01:31:58) i gave the 50,000 back You:(03-19 01:32:14) the exact amout i recieved You:(03-19 01:32:43) there are obviously thieves in your company Jennifer Green:(03-19 01:32:54) to be honest there are many trades in the game, you must run into a hacker You:(03-19 01:33:06) i just want my remained ***** You:(03-19 01:33:40) i paid for 80k recieved 50k and your employee stole it back Jennifer Green:(03-19 01:33:45) our supplier never ask for gold back when they traded You:(03-19 01:33:58) so where is the 30k balance? Jennifer Green:(03-19 01:34:06) no it is not our employee You:(03-19 01:34:28) i paid for 80k you gave and took back 50k Jennifer Green:(03-19 01:34:39) we will suggest that never ever give the gold back You:(03-19 01:34:41) there is 30k owed to me You:(03-19 01:35:34) in 5 min im going to end this conversation and post this on the reviews and contact paypal

Tip for consumers:


Date of experience: March 18, 2015
1 review
1 helpful vote

I have placed an order, it seemed good
October 9, 2014

I have placed an order, it seemed good.

Tip for consumers:

you can use a coupon code when place order

Date of experience: October 9, 2014
1 review
2 helpful votes

Still bad services...
July 30, 2014

Still bad services...

Date of experience: July 30, 2014
1 review
1 helpful vote

The worst Customer Service I have ever seen 100% it...
July 27, 2014

The worst Customer Service I have ever seen 100% it is a bot

Date of experience: July 27, 2014
1 review
4 helpful votes

This is 100% scam website
May 31, 2014

This is 100% scam website. Don't have any expectations to get what your ordered. STAY AWAY!

Date of experience: May 31, 2014
1 review
0 helpful votes

Very good seller!
June 17, 2013

Very good seller!

Date of experience: June 17, 2013
1 review
16 helpful votes

My experience with IGXE has been mostly good, but the...
June 26, 2010

My experience with IGXE has been mostly good, but the two bad incidents were so bad that I will never use them again.

A little background: I played an MMO for several years, before quitting from 2008 to 2010 for work reasons. When I picked the game back up, I had found that there was a lot of content and player development that I had missed I made a couple of currency purchases to help gear up my character, and those were straightforward. Never any problems with delivery time, or stock, or anything.

I then retained IGXE to perform a small powerleveling service for me while I was away one weekend. At the time, I was in a guild, and had several friends with whom I chatted with when I was on. So I was obviously nervous about it getting out that I used a PL service, and I was also nervous about giving out my account information. On that time, everything went smoothly, the PL was performed quickly and without issue and I was happy enough to make a slightly larger PL purchase.

This is where it gets bad. I made my second PL purchase, after being told in chat that I could leave specific instructions such as "only perform the PL between 2a.m. And 7 a.m. local time" and "put AFK tag up and do not respond to any tells." At the same time, I also made another currency purchase. Regarding the currency purchase, I used a different credit card and began getting the same requests for personal information that others got. They wanted me to photograph my license or passport and e-mail it to them. I refused, asked them to cancel the order and told them I would use my other card, which had been processed no problem a few times before. They insisted and said that using the other card would only cause the same problem. So I did as they asked, and emailed a copy of my license with all information covered up except my photo and address, and they said it wasn't good enough. They asked for my passport information, at which point I said absolutely not and told them to cancel the order.

In addition to that, the PL service ignored every one of my requests. They logged in during the evening, at peak hours. My guild had a raid scheduled for that night, which I had purposely not signed up for. However, out of reflex my GL sent my toon an invite when it logged. Instead of declining and performing the PL service, the PLer WENT ON THE RAID, played like crap (obviously) and then /quit when the guild wiped on a named pull two times. Needless to say, a lot of people were really pissed and I was very embarrassed. The PLer also apparently gave out the guild's vent info, and spammers attacked the ventrilo server. All in all, a nightmare of a cleanup that was very embarrassing and taught me a serious lesson about trusting account information to an overseas company.

I will never, ever use them again for anything.

Date of experience: June 26, 2010
1 review
1 helpful vote

The news about mmorpg updating in good time at igxe. Com. This...
December 13, 2009

The news about mmorpg updating in good time at igxe. Com. This site is very positived.

Date of experience: December 13, 2009