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1 review
11 helpful votes

Horrible experience with Infoway
April 18, 2019

I recently had a horrible experience with the company Infoway on Upwork. I worked with them for a month total before ending the project. There were many errors throughout the beginning stages of development but I was patient because I didn't expect a lot of skill for the price I was paying.

Before work began I had negotiated the contract with Piyal and was offered what I felt was a great price for the work I needed done. After telling Piyal I wanted to hire me he proceeded to tell me to hire his company through a different profile that didn't have any feedback. This seemed kind of fishy to me because the only reason I wanted to work with his profile was because he had feedback and I felt the chances of me being scammed were slimmer on an account that had spent so much time building up feedback. I denied Piyal's request to hire the different profile and started the contract with him and began working with a member of his company through email. This persons name was Gourav.

The work from Gourav was acceptable at first even though there were some pretty big errors and misconfigurations up until the project phase #3. At that point I had received an email saying that the "(Search stores by Radius /Closest Stores + Product List + Cart + Checkout)" but none of those features really worked right.

There was nowhere for me to put what the stores were in the admin panel so no way for the customer to actually find the store and nothing seemed to happen when clicking the submit button.

There was no Cart in the menu and that's what users would need the option of seeing so that they can checkout.

Once you got to checkout there was no way to actually pay. I said I had wanted it setup like as a delivery service delivery service that accepted cash only and there was no way to pay with this method or any at checkout.

When it came to users being able to enter their address to get it shipped to them there was only a handful of states there, and when selecting your state the city's menu would only show a few cities and was missing a lot.

There were other errors to but these were the main one's.

I pointed these errors out and wasn't receiving a response so I decided since nothing that was supposed to be delivered in Phase #3 was actually done or working, and there were still 2 more Phases to go and now we were getting done with the actual functionality aspects of the website that I would be unsatisfied with the work based on what he was giving me.

He emailed and said that he had forgotten to upload some parts of the code and that he would have it uploaded Monday and I told him no thanks I didn't want to work with him anymore. To me that sounded like a lie because it only takes 5 minutes to actually upload code. He messaged me again Tuesday saying he had completed Phase 3 and I said I had canceled his contract and was done working with him.

He said he had completed 80% of the work but I pointed out that so far everything was simple and now that we were actually getting into functionality it seemed sloppy and I didn't want to keep paying for something I'd have to pay someone else to fix when it's done.

That was the last time I spoke with him and it seemed like I was going to get my refund back until Piyal disputed it at the last hour. From there I began the Upwork dispute resolution process. I was contacted by "Sam" from Infoway via email and was asked for clarification about what happened and was told they wanted to offer me a refund. I responded with everything that had happened in detail and didn't hear anything back for a few day. The next email I was told he couldn't reply because he was in the hospital for some reason and that he would like to compensate me by offering my 3 month's of free service management.

To this I told him I had already decided to cease doing business with his company and that I had already had my website completed by another company. He started going on about how I never gave them a chance and it was because of my "perfectionist ideology" but that they would refund the last phases milestone. I had to agree to change my feedback in order to get the refund though. Finally at the last hour before we were supposed to go on our call with the Upwork mediator I was contacted by Piyal and told they were going to refund the milestone.

So in regards to overall rating: Design work 0/5 Communication 0/5 Professionalism 0/5 Overall experience 0/5

Date of experience: April 18, 2019