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3 reviews
5 helpful votes

Never again!
January 10, 2022

My first time and NEVER AGAIN. I ordered 17 gluten free items from Kroger and was supposed to get my order between 1:00 and 3:00 the next day. I kept getting texts that items were unavailable. I also received a text that one of the items was substituted when I had made sure the "Allow substitutions" box was unchecked and even checked the boxes for all 17 items to NOT SUBSTITUTE. So the guy substituted (non-gluten free) Little Debbies for I-have-no-idea-what, when I didn't order any kind of sweet baked goods, and had the guy not noticed that everything I ordered was gluten free?

I had specified that the shopper was not allowed to leave the order without seeing me first, and I knew from a text that he had checked out of Kroger at 12:15. I waited and waited, and it finally occured to me that, maybe, he left it on my front porch and DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO SEND THE TEXT THAT IT HAD BEEN DELIVERED, which is exactly what had happened. I don't know how long my cold and frozen items sat out there. Then, I was charged for 6 items and only got 5, because the Little Debbies weren't even in the friggin' bag. The total charge for the stuff I actually received plus the Little Debbies I didn't get was $28.54 minus store discounts, plus tax, plus the delivery fee of $9.95 for a subtotal of 37.46. With the $6 tip, which I didn't realize I only had 12 hours to add to or reduce, I paid $43.46 for what I could have gone to the store and gotten myself for about $26, and not been charged for something I didn't even get.

And to top it all off, I also only had 12 hours to rate my Instacart experience, which I missed. SO HERE IT IS, INSTACART. YOU SUCK. Try hiring better people. I'm guessing the store had at least several of the items the guy didn't get, and he just didn't want to be bothered to look too hard.

Date of experience: January 10, 2022