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1 review
6 helpful votes

Don't believe them. Don' trust them
June 5, 2023

On Feb 3,2023, I ordered 12 sets of Victorinox Serrated wood handled steak knife sets for a customer. Apparently, what looked like the serrated ones were straight edge. Katom shipped 3 of the 12 sets, and when I received them, I called and asked what was going on with the order. I told the person on the phone that I needed the backordered ones checked and to cancel them if they were not serrated. She checked and assured me they were serrated.
When the rest of the order arrived, they were all straight edged. I contacted returns, and was asked for photos of the knives. I sent the photos on 3/15/23. Mikaela G responded with the info that the part number ordered was the straight edge spear point knives. I was given a return authorization and was informed there would be a 25% restocking fee.
I called sales and talked to Sarah H on 3/15. She sent a sales quote for the 12 sets of serrated knives to me and I discussed the return and 25% fee with her. I told her I would not return the knives while losing 25%, and would sell them on eBay, and buy the serrated knives elsewhere. We agreed to have me buy the serrated knives from Katom, and that I would be charged a 10% restocking fee after placing the order and return of original knives was received by Katom.
I placed the order on the same day, and shipped the return in 2 shipments to Katom on 3/16/2023. The return(s) were received by Katom on 3/21/2023 at 8:39AM.
I received a refund of $319.97 on 3/21. I called about the rest of the refund and was told it was processing. I received the final refund of $959.92 on 4/10/2023. Total refunded was $1279.89. The sale was for $1687.44. The 10% restocking charge would have been $168.70. The restocking fee charged was $407.55, the 25%.
I called many times, and was told that the difference ($238.81) would be refunded. It never was. I talked to Mikaela a few times during this process, and she verified the sales dept agreed to 10% restocking charge to get the last sale. I have never received the money owed me. ($238.81)
My experience with Katom and their customer service is one of, if not the, worst I have had with any Vendor in my life. I feel I was misled and ignored or put off through the whole process. At this point I would tell anyone to avoid dealing with them for any reason. Use another vendor or do without the product.
Patrick O
PnD Knives and Sharpening Services
La Grande, OR

Tip for consumers:

They have a 25% restocking fee. They mislead and avoid dealing with problems.

Products used:

Knife sets

Date of experience: June 5, 2023