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Thumbnail of user kelleyg18
5 reviews
22 helpful votes
October 20th, 2016
Verified purchase

This has been difficult getting this information out there for the public to see and hear my story of being sexually assaulted, silenced with help from Kelleher International, Amber Kelleher and Jill Kelleher. I signed up with Kelleher in 2009. Met at a swanky hotel on Newport Beach and after our consultation I gladly handed them $10,000 for the professionals to do the work to find my a great relationship. I was told about a friend, close contact of theirs and they were happy to check to see if he was available. He was not at that time but they sent me out on matches that were nothing of what I had asked for. Unsuccessful, they let me know he was available. This was the biggest mistake of my life.

Due to the boasting of this man, their continued stories of personally involvement and outings I felt completely comfortable. We reached out and while I was moving storage boxes at my Lake Arrowhead home and leaving with family for the weekend, he suggested a quick meeting, have a glass of wine at his Laguna Beach home. He included his residence was just like Bacarra Resort in Santa Barbara and we could watch the sunset. I didn't get dressed up, he said come as you are, I did. It started out innocent, but then it got aggressive with sexual comments, comments about a vibrator and offering for us to get together to F*CK when I returned from my family weekend. I went in the kitchen knowing it was my time to leave and from there I was drug by my arm upstairs and assaulted.

I contacted Kelleher from Friday, Saturday & Sunday and after my family urged me to file with the Laguna Beach police department as soon as I got into town. Thinking Tiffany at Kelleher cared about me, I thought for sure they would help me, they NEVER returned my multiple calls of a distraught woman who had been sexually assaulted. They were on damage control but at the time I was so distraught I didn't even realize that these women weren't on my side. What a grave mistake.

Once I arrived at the police department and detectives came out to meet with me and take me to a private room they asked if I had communicated with Kellher owners, associates or sales staff. I told them they had not returned any of my calls over multiple days. They asked for me to call again and let them know I was at the LBPD. I received an immediate call asking me why I was there. I told them I had tried to call all weekend for advice and counseling and I was in shock from what happened. Due to this intro to their personal friend I felt safe.

This changed my life forever. Still thinking they were on my side I continued to provide information to Kelleher about the investigation. I had the painful experience of calling my perpetrator on the phone to try and have him confess, not realizing until years later that they were communicating with my perpetrator and telling him about the investigation. He only apologized but did not include why. He was not prosecuted for this terrible act.

In 2016, I saw Amber on TV doing an interview. I was so angered I wrote many reviews about my experience. Jill Kelleher reached out to me to tell me I would ruin her business. They hired a reputation management companies and deleted all of my reviews, even having Yelp threaten me with closing my acccount. It was not until I was contacted by a reporter after employees divulged my name. A detective was hired to locate me and a reporter reached out to me. There is no more guilt and shame as years later my church provided the counseling during this difficult time.

Airmail Article about Kelleher for your review:

Yelp has removed my review multiple times, my perpetrator has called my office two times 9/15/22 & 9/16/22, that I had to hire a lawyer to get justice from all that continue to hurt me. This includes many and that will be revealed in a new lawsuit that will be filed. The reason I have left this review previously was because my perpetrator was allowed to continue dating women because they did not have enough men for the single women looking for love. They do not have matches. Clearly this would be slander if I did not have documents to support my position. I have contracts, text messages, testimony and they have been provided these documents but Yelp has not allowed others to be protected. Yelp legal department has had multiple emails thus far. To think Yelp allowed multiple reviews to be removed, possibly at the expense of another victim is really sad. Kelleher has had many lawsuits and I will speak out until every last woman knows so if I can save one woman from my nightmare.

I will post my redacted police report in the photos section, even though Kelleher has rape shamed me for not filing until 3 days later. I have so many to thank for bringing this story to light and the statue of limitations change for justice to finally happen and God giving me the strength to heal and move forward.

Tip for consumers:
They do not vet their men, there isn't enough men and they have been sued multiple times. Do your homework.

Products used:
Dating services

Date of experience: October 20, 2016