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4 reviews
22 helpful votes

We're DONE using LastPass
February 17, 2021

We WERE happy and satisfied users of LastPass for several years. Then last week, we got an email from LastPass, kind of bluntly stating that the free service we've been using would be pretty severely limited starting in about a month, so maybe we would want to "upgrade" and PAY to get what seems like a slightly LOWER level of service. I guess the time had come when LastPass needed to get us free users to start paying. Kind of an annoying money grab really.

Well, if we're going to have to pay for our password management software, it seemed sensible to us to check out what other companies were offering, something we never even THOUGHT about before. Within a few minutes, I found Keeper. Costs pretty much the same as the 25% OFF LastPass was offering. Recommended ABOVE LastPass by PC MAG.

Keeper had a chat widget right there on their home page (good luck find this on LastPass). So I clicked in, and got a nearly immediate response. I asked, "Why should I choose Keeper instead of sticking with LastPass?" I got an IMMEDIATE and kind of compelling response. This rep knew exactly what his company was offering, and he seemed to know exactly what LastPass was offering. I asked whether Keeper would make switching over easy. I got an IMMEDIATE RESPONSE with a link to a video that showed just how easy it would be. At this point I was pretty convinced to switch, especially considering the slightly disrespectful way LastPass announced these changes.

But, I thought, it would only be fair to listen to the LastPass sales pitch. So I went to the LastPass website, logged in, and after a good bit of searching, I finally found a link to chat. What an unmitigated fiasco! After waiting a long time to get a rep online, I asked this simple question (many times in many ways): Apparently, I'm going to pay someone for this service. Why should it be LastPass instead of Keeper? In a chat conversation that lasted more than an hour, I never got ANY answer to that question. Every response took SEVERAL MINUTES and I never got any closer to an answer.

I did get this: "Unfortunately we do not have knowledge about terms and conditions from Keeper to address them here. Feel free to visit their website to check difference on products." Do they really want reps to recommend this? The Keeper rep WAS knowledgeable about LastPass. Of course, I might forgive the LastPass rep for not knowing about Keeper, but she also didn't tell me ANYTHING about LastPass, not a SINGLE feature that would be added if I started paying for the service. Even the ONE webpage she sent me was about the many features of the free version of LastPass that I'm going to LOSE on March 16, and the additional features they're going to take away on May 17.

REALLY? Your upselling move made me check out the other guy. Then, in an effort to be fair and smart, I contacted your company with considerable difficulty. I asked your representative to give me ANY kind of sales pitch to get me to buy this service from you instead of the other guy. You gave me NOTHING! You rewarded my fairness with time-wasting incompetence. How is your strategy going to avoid moving a BUNCH of your free accounts over to the competition?

Finally, the rep promised me they would escalate this case, and I would get an EMAIL someday from a supervisor. Do you think I'll get that email before I'm done switching to another provider?

Sad. Avoid this company. Others do it better for less, and they don't disrespect you.

Date of experience: February 17, 2021