5 reviews for LogMeIn are not recommended
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1 review
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Unprofessional, Incompetent, Unresponsive Customer care and Defunct Finance Dept
June 9, 2021

This is the Readers Digest version.
November of 2020 Logmein unilaterally charged our renewal subscription at a new plan type and rate without consulting us. I tried for 2 weeks to get thru. I could get tech support but for help with a finance issue i had to talk to sales only. The shortest time i waited online was 1 hour 43 minutes. Never got to talk to anyone who "supposedly" could help. I called the credit card company and said to approve the correct amount and dispute the balance.

So inspite of paying for our correct subscription they shut my account down. I called tech support and instead of turning it back on after understanding we paid for Central they said they had to create a new account. I asked them, please don't do that. Of course they did anyway and lost all the contacts but ultimately they restored it.

Then their credit Dept shut me off again. And we went back and forth. After them refunding and charging me (because they made me do a new charge) they came back shut me off and said they had refunded all the money. Ii gave them documentation showing that i was in fact paid ahead and requested US based support and call from a supervisor. This happened multiple time and never got any call back.
I had three of our customers fire us and go elsewhere over this and I told the tech and nothing happened. I finally demanded they get something done. I get an email back with writing so bad 4 of use couldn't understand as it didn't make logical sense. And never addressed the questions. I asked them to rewrite and received an even crazier response. On a hunch, I checked my credit card and that very day they refunded my money indicating that i was correct. I was paid current.

So, Instead of re-instating my account they refunded! Then said i had to request a new quote. WTF These people don't care, aren't capable of even rational responses or caring. No sense of urgency. Ill bet the executives however are earning good bonuses because tech support costs are down. And eventually if they lose enough customers someone might actually care about customer service and having a sense of urgency.
In business for 34 years i have never experienced such an incompetent display of care or concern for customer service or even an ounce of urgency about anything. They deserve to fail!

Date of experience: June 9, 2021
5 reviews for LogMeIn are not recommended