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1 review
5 helpful votes

December 9, 2016

I bought 2 mattress double and king size - 5 years Guarantee last year from MatterssTomorrow.
1. Mistake 1 - Guarantee information: After mattress delivered to my home, nothing mentioned about guarantee. Then I confirmed with customer services that my mattress will cover 5 years guarantee and made a note so other persons can see.
2. Mistake 2 - Product quality: Problem started with double size mattress during 11 month - sagging issues causing neck/back pain. I thought this would be gone by rotating but never. Then based on conversation with customer service I am told to send pictures so that they can refund money back and cannot made replacement or credit.
3. Mistake 3 - Changing words: Then I decided to buy mattress from different company. Also sent current sagging pictures to team. They accepted claim but they cannot refund money back. Because I am told someone gave me a wrong information that they can see in their system. You will only get credit 114.99. I said I will call soon to confirm.
4. Mistake 4 - Changing words again: When I spoke to customer service I am told they cannot find my information in system they need sometime and will call me back. I never received call then I rang them again after sometime the person said they cannot find my details and call disconnected suddenly. I rang them 3rd time then first lady pick-up the call. She said we cannot refund you money back and I asked to her to escalate to manager. Then she rang me again saying because someone gave me wrong information manager agreed to refund full money back 114.99. But they cannot give money back. I said will confirm this tomorrow because I already bought mattress from different company.
5. Mistake 5 - Changing words again and again: When I spoke to customer service this morning another lady picks-up the call and mentioned I did a mistake I will refund you half instead of 114.99. Whatever conversation I had yesterday is no use. And I did explained I have issue with other mattress as well now I am told I need pay 30 GBP for check and I cannot send pictures.

Guys please don't buy any products with this retailer. Honestly I am suffering lot with faulty products and misleading information. Mattresstomorrow/Mattressnextday are same but your receipt will be in the name of Mattressnextday. I am going to legal services now to resolve issues.

Date of experience: December 9, 2016